Chapter Seventeen

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I hear a loud flash, and see a  bright light through my closed eyes,

I open my eyes quickly, seeing Xion's mother just took a picture, I look up in confusion, and she just winks at me; before walking off.

I finally realize that I'm laying on something really hard but squishy, and soft.

I look around my body, realizing that I was laying on Xion.

I was laying right on top of him, kind of shifted on the side of his body, creasing into the left side of the cramped couch.

It's not comfortable really, but I mean what beats laying on top of Xion? Nothing could beat this position.

"You're just co cute, and I don't understand how you don't know it." I mumble to no one specifically. 

I hear my watch beep on my right hand, it was an alarm that I set for everyday at Nine O'clock, for my testosterone shots.

I slowly prop myself up my hands, trying oh so incredibly hard, not to wake Xion up.

When I successfully get up without waking him, I give myself a mental pat on the back.

I walk to the island that is in the kitchen, zipping the bag open, grabbing my shots, then heading to the bathroom.

I figure I won't bore you with me taking my testosterone shot. 

After about five minutes I get done with the shot, throwing the used syringe into the trash.

I check my watch once more, it finally being Nine Ten AM.

I open the door, and I closed it behind me afterwards.

"Hey, Luke." Xion says, as he sits on one of the bar stools accompanied by the island.

I walk up to him, and lean down, then I hug him, I place my chin on his left shoulder.

He places a quick peck to my cheek, and I pull away.

"What do y'all want for breakfast?" His mother asks us,

"Can we have pancakes?" I suggest.

"That sounds good." Xion speaks up,

"Alright, pancakes coming right up, dears." She says cheerfully.

We sit at the dining table

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