Chapter Fourteen

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When we reach the school parking lot, and park, my father and I jamming out until the song ended.

When it did though, I take my seat belt out.

"I'll see you tonight dad, good luck at work." I quickly say before I open the handle to the car door.

"Good luck at school, Luke." He says, and I close the door behind, or more like slamming it, big problem of mine.

I walk to the school door, but immediately sense someone watching me.

I quickly turn around, but the aura then disappears.

The hell?

I think nothing of it when I get to class, completely wiping from my mind in total.

I see Xion sitting in our homeroom, when he hears my sneakers, he looks up, noticing me, he then smiles at me.

I walk to the chair right next to him, sitting down in it.

I notice his dark circles, and I frown in response.

"Have you been getting enough sleep, Xion?" I question him,

"Yeah, don't worry about me, just stressed over school." He says, he bites his lip quickly, I barely even notice it, but I know for a fact.

He bites his lip when he lies.

So why is he lying to me.

I sigh, rubbing the back of my nape with the palm of my hands.

"You too, look a little distraught." Xion says.

"Over school too." I say to him, lying.

"Oh. We're on the same page then."

I take in a deep breath, but my binder always seems to stop me breathing fully, it sucks I shall say.

"Your binder suffocating you?" Xion asks.

"Yeah, and when I have asthma attacks, then I actually have to take it off to breath." I respond.

"You have asthma?" He questions me, and I hum a yes.

"I didn't know that." He responds.

"Always a new day to learn something new." I say.

I check my watch, It's nine forty o'clock. So why isn't the teacher here yet?

I guess Xion noticed that too, he shifts in his seat, his face turning into an anxious look.

None of the students are noticing that the teacher is way late, by forty damn minutes.

All of them are goofing off, and talk to one another, but Xion and I are in an anxious stance.

I then get that same aura of discomfort, like someone is truly watching me.

I hear gunshots suddenly go off, everyone finally shuts up.

I quickly grab the key on the teachers' desk, locking the door, turning off the lights.

"Everybody shut up, and move near to the side of the teachers' desk. Now!" I exclaim, and everyone obliges.

I sit next to Xion, he grabs my hands, intertwining them together.

We hear footsteps inching closer, and closer to the classroom door.

Suddenly, someone knocks on the door, I put my index finger up to my lips, telling everyone to shut the fuck up.

Everyone does as told.

"Lux Martinez. Are you in here." Someone with a deep voice asks,

But who would know my dead name?

Xion looks at me, in a confused expression.

Everyone around is us, is confused of who would be that name.

No one knows my last, nor my dead name, only Xion does, but he wouldn't dare exposing me.

His hand tightens mine is response to the man calling my dead name.

"If you don't open this goddamn door, you scared little girl, I will kill everyone here." The man threatens, he has a very thick French accent.

Everyone keeps quiet,

"Tch. Guess there's no one in there." The man says, footstep's getting quieter each step he takes away from the door.

My heart was beating a hundred miles an hour, Xion pushed me into a hug, saying reassuring words to me.

I felt tears start to spew out of my eyes, I didn't make a single sound, but I knew Xion could tell I was crying, well, mostly because I was soiling his sweater he was wearing.

"Shh, It's okay, the man is gone now." Xion says, comforting me.

Nothing like this has ever happened, in my whole life.

So why is this suddenly starting now?

Learning To Understand What Couldn't Be UnderstoodOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant