Chapter Twelve

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When Xion finally ask all of the questions that need for the project, we sit back up, and as if on queue.

"The dinner is ready, come on down. I made enough for everyone." Dad says.

All three of us head to the kitchen quickly, practically pacing to eat.

I see the food already set on the table, I always get the utensils for dinner, I go, and grab four forks.

Heading back to the dinner table, giving Xion, Liyna, and dad their silverware, I then sit down in my chair to start eating.

"Dad, I have a question." I start off. giving my dad a glance, he looks at me to continue.

"I thought you met mom at work, not at school." I state, still confused .

"How about we talk about this another time Luke, we have guests today." He warns me.

I sigh, obliging to him.

I look at Xion when I notice eyes on me.

He gives me a empathetic glance, then mouths an I love you to me.

I smile in return, mouthing it back to him, to which he smiles in return.

"So, are you fully Korean, Xion?" Dad asks him,

"Not one hundred percent no, my mother is from Texas, she has green eyes, her mother has gray, I didn't get my eyes from my dad, I didn't get jack shit from my father." He enlightens.

"Ah. I see, you don't have a thick Korean accent like I've seen with other people in this city." Dad says, changing the subject.

"I was taught English first, then when I was four, my mother then taught me Korean, so I don't really have an accent." He explains.

"I see, so how did you and Luke meet then?" He asks,

"Well it is was really a coincidence really, we met on a social media platform, I happened to follow him on accident, he messaged me, and asked who I was, then we both just clicked together." Xion explains thoroughly.

"Wow, It's crazy to think, that you two actually met in person, even living across the whole world." Dad states, sounding amazed.

I mostly felt anxious, confused of why my father wouldn't tell me the truth until later.

After about thirty minutes of everyone eating in a comfortable silence, everyone finishes their plate of spaghetti.

"Do you two want me to take you home?" Dad asks Leyna and Xion.

"Well today's Friday, so maybe I can just sleepover here?" Xion asks him.

"Maybe tomorrow, Luke and I need to talk about something serious tonight." He states.

"Oh. Okay, I understand, tomorrow it is then, but then yes, can you take us home?" Xion says.

Dad hums in reply, grabbing his keys off the table,

"Alright you two, go get in the car, I'll be out in a second." He says, and they both head out to the car.

"We'll talk about your mother when we get home, okay?" He states, and I nod my head in response.

I see him walk out of the door, to the car, then I hear them drive off.

I sigh to myself, why do I have to wait so long to find whatever he's hiding to me?

I go to my tiny room, and get my laptop, watching a few YouTube videos.

It was as if I was stuck in slow motion, my dad getting home just couldn't come any sooner.

And, it was killing me.

What isn't he telling me? What do I not know?

Why did he have to blurt that little bit of information out, and make me so incredibly confused.

After an hour of me just watching YouTube videos, my dad finally comes home.

I hear him sigh loudly when he closes the door, I go from my room, to the living room where the front door is.

I see him sitting down on the couch, he notices my presence, looking up at me, then gesturing me to sit down on the couch next to him.

Which I do.

"Alright Luke, I'm going to be completely honest with you right now, and you have to promise not to get furious." He says, taking out his pinky.

I sigh, and intertwine my finger with his, making a promise that I won't.

"The mother that you basically grew up with... Is not your real mother." He says, and my eyes widen.

"And you made me live with that horrible woman!?" I exclaim.

"I had my reasons Luke, don't get ahead of your knowledge." He remarks.

To which I sigh, letting him continue.

"There is something that you can never know until the time is right." He says.

My eyebrows furrowing in confusion,

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You cannot know, when the time comes, you will though." He answers.

"So my sister, really isn't my sister?" I ask,

"No, she was your step sister." He replies.

"Thank god, I don't know what I would do if I was actually related to those witches." I say, and he chuckles in return.

"But, Luke, I want you to know, Your friends will help you through this misfortune that has   happened to you. This incident is bigger than both of us combined." He says.

"What do you mean, dad?" I ask him, and he sighs.

"It has something to do with your mother, but I cannot explain more than this, or I am afraid to lose my own life." He explains, sounding frightened.

My face dropped. it's so bad, that life and death is involved? 

One might just call me naïve, but I'd just call myself rather ignorant.

I don't know anything about this situation, so how am I supposed to react?

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