*Special Part: Horizons (Azumi) (E)

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A week earlier. Sarsan Strait.



Amidst his sweating and panting, Azumi Velandis lunged forward, his steel sword held in a straight thrust. Vlos, being shorter, ducked below it and glided in, but by then Azu was ready to parry it, his weapon now held downwards. With his other free hand he pushed his adversary gently back, with an open palm.


The princeling staggered back three steps, but used his wings to hover briefly, thus regaining balance.

"Not too shabby, Azu. You've pretty much improved... if only in swordplay. Certainly getting closer to step in your father's shiny boots." Vlos chuckled, looked at his usual instructor, perceived her smiling nod, and sheathed the weapon. "Let's call it a day, shall we?"

"As you wish, Prince Vlos."

"Prince, eh..." Vlos went for the ship's railing and slowly caressed it as he gazed at the distant horizon and the sunny azure sky. "I don't know if I'd still be allowed to retain that title, where we're headed."

"Nothing against it, sir," Senna joined. "Kid or not, you are the son to the late monarch. None could dispute that. The real question is, would you still wear it?"

The young Lion exhaled. "Come to think of it, it's just a title, empty without solid proofs. Hardly had I ever thought to personally lead men before that engagement, either."

"About that..."

Tuvka Point, due west of Arenda, had managed to resist Vlos' main force for two straight days. On the third, due to the fact that the city itself had been besieged from the south by forces marching from Ardis and Tosca Point, their resistance gave way.

Mayor Varastra had in the meantime been executed by his own men and his body then presented to the victors. Vlos ruled for a proper burial, and for the rest of that day--in fulfillment of his mother's promise--he had been taken to see for himself the plots of land that she used to tend, and the house (now belonging to another family) in which she had lived for the best part of her youth.

The boy had even taken the trouble to dress in a common peasant's clothes to his size and tried his hands at plowing--to which he gave up after two spirited hours. The head of the new occupant family had laughed, offered to show him how it was done, and Vlos--his feet and legs brown with dust and mud almost to the knees--had looked on with avid interest, going to rest an hour later at the nearest inn with callused hands and contented exhaustion.

During the second day after his triumphant march to his House's ancestral seat, Vlos had been heartily welcomed at its citadel and toured around the rooms, passages, kitchens and towers. He stopped for a brief archery practice, as his father might well have done once.


"Say, Sen," the young Lion inquired at present, "how did you feel when you first heard of me personally leading the troops, I wonder?"

"Why, sir, of course I was astounded... and curious. Hardly ever crossed my mind that the men would so promptly see to your directions."

"I heard Yasnar say that to Mom too, when she pleaded for direct military support," he laughed. "How I'd like to see his face now."

Senna couldn't help smiling as well.

"He's doing his last share of responsibility, no doubt, sir, by seeing to Balaras' rebuilding. For all his faults he's done more than us combined to keep things running."

The Lone Call: Fists of Union (Arc II) [First draft]Where stories live. Discover now