Negotiations (Senna, pt. 2) (E)

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That same evening, after the prayers.

Using some of the money Rahman had provided them, Senna and her companion had lodged in separate rooms back in the 'Three Streaks'. They were now in the tavern's common room, discussing amidst the chattering of other visitors.

"So? What will you say about his offer?" Resna began. "Think it's a good idea to take it?"

"Why else would he have gone through such detailed precautions?" Senna retorted. "I believe he is going to at least offer us a hand to be one step closer to our common goal, which is what we have prayed for when we came here in the first place. Right? Now that the opportunity is at hand, you're slinking away?"

"Well... it's better to keep our options open."

"Really," she leant in, "and what option is left for discussion?"

"Has it occurred to you why he wanted to know how we were related? That bit could have worked to his advantage should he decide to hold one of us hostage. We are at the fringes of enemy domains, after all, and behind-the-scenes deals are not uncommon."

"Nonsense," Senna growled. "Indeed, in our belief it is not advisable for females to travel without the company of males who are not their sibling, father, or relative; and yes, we fit none of those categories. Rahman was just checking into that, in my view, with no strings attached."

"If such is the case, why did you agree to travel with me?"

"How would I know that we would've come across such a check, 'dear'? Besides, the others would have been busy ensuring that we don't lose our home base, not to mention a larger party than three would've attracted unnecessary attention; that would spoil our aims..." Senna squinted. "Hold on. Are you really an agent? You really should have known these bits better than me."

"Even agents come in grades, dear."

"Alright, maybe you should start picking your own informants now. Agents usually operate after dark, after all... or, if you like, pick some from these sundry types."

Resna scoffed. "You'd enjoy seeing me interview them one table after another, would you not?"

"I'm not really into espionage, sir, so I couldn't say much. Show me." She winked.

"D-darn you, Senna... to think you have this much shade..."

"What, never seen a female officer at work?"

He gulped and just as quickly finished his self-composure. "Alright, fine. We will rise to Rahman's summons. I'll decide what to do after that. Good?"

"So glad we could come to a definite understanding... but come to think of it, my dear, you still have much to learn..."


The next day, having followed the mayor's precautions almost to a letter, the two visitors found three others aside from the host. They were sitting on cushions arranged in a circular fashion when they entered.

"Some people with their own grievances, not so much different from yours," Rahman reasoned, starting by introducing the well-built bald suntanned figure with thin jet-black moustache to his far right.

"Adyan Samistra," said the mayor, "one of the best woodcutter in town. Thoroughly familiar with how the trades with Arenda are transacted."

Adyan nodded somberly in their direction. "At your service, folks," he said in a hoarse but otherwise friendly tone. "Don't you mind my rough hands; just part of the trade."

"His brother Adim," Rahman continued, pointing with his entire hand at the younger wiry figure beside the woodcutter, "onetime member of this town's militia. Has some knowledge on how Arenda's forces, especially in the land arm, are organized."

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