Messages (Arys) (W)

12 2 64

Day Seven since departure from Estreon.

Urdin's host of 315 men consisting of infantry and archers, with hardly any cavalry, had been warmly welcomed into Scorpio Point, one of former Hospodia's fortified outposts guarding the trade route informally known as 'the Link'. Its overseer's name was Ayas Sehandis, with the military rank of sergeant.

'I must apologize for such meager contributions, my prince,' he had said as part of his private obeisance, of which Arys was witness.

'Given the prevailing circumstances, Ayas, that's hardly something you need to take heed of,' came the reply. 'We appreciate your continued loyalty.'

Ayas bowed and went to kiss the seated former general's right hand as tokens of respect; instead the hand was used to indicate refusal to such a gesture. The sergeant took the point and stood back.

'Prince Urdin, my humble outpost is at your disposal. Use its resources as you see fit. May our cause be allowed to prevail.'

'Viva Hospodia.'

Of Ayas' men, Arys had noticed, about half were vampires. The overseer had also permitted something resembling a town to bloom around the outpost, claiming that it served to accommodate those who could not find space within Estreon, and that this was likely to be the case around the remaining four outposts as well. Urdin had asked for, and permitted, a brief tour of this town the day after his arrival; he had even been asked if he would provide it with a formal name.

The former general had turned down the offer, but had then expressed his wish for a second tour just before his continuing the journey.

Now, again, Arys was witness to another meeting involving Urdin, himself, Ayas, Kalasnir, and one other representative of fifty men of mixed races whom Urdin was willing to take as part of his expedition.


"So, gentlemen," Urdin began after a short prayer, "thank you for attending. We are here to discuss matters of importance in order to bring back to life our beloved House. If anyone disapproves, feel free to walk away now. None will think less of you."

None moved. Urdin exhaled before resuming.

"That those scum in the present Elbar would react, is to be expected. However, it has come to my attention that the Skandians, for all their rather obvious decrepitude, is also butting in. We have close to two thousand arrayed against us."

The Eagle paused to look around. Tense expressions replaced calm ones. Arys murmured a prayer in an effort to calm himself. Ayas wiped away cold sweat. Kalasnir dared not meet the Eagle's gaze. The other conferee, Vesna, looked ready for a question.

"What sort of terrain awaits our host, Sir Ayas?" he inquired.

"Verdant plain. No cover to speak of. Ideal cavalry terrain, I'd say."

"Of which we hardly have any," Arys muttered. "Infinite One, kindly aid us."

"No secret routes?" Urdin joined.

"Not that we know of, sir, and there's only one building there: the Leo Point, under Sergeant Kasna Velis. Sadly we cannot yet ascertain his loyalties."

Might as well be a potential target, then. "His strength?"

"Rather difficult to be precise..."


"Three hundred, give or take, discounting the conscripts he might levy from his miniature of a town."

"Whether this Kasna is with or against us shall be crucial," Urdin murmured after a pause, "as there, or shortly thereafter, three armies will converge and collide."

The Lone Call: Fists of Union (Arc II) [First draft]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora