Plots (Senna) (E)

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Having taken her leave of Vlos and Bohma, Urdin's female aide flew to the soldiers' barracks to see how things were going there. She was confronted by the usual sights: healers coming and going; soldiers being prepared for treatment, and their muffled screams and prayers in enduring one--with more of them being brought in by the hour, and even those discussing of their loved ones. Thankfully she could sense no dissent.

Tough guys as they are, we often get to see their softer side in times like these... no different from the general.

And yet... these are the same men I'd promised I would launch a raid with. Tonight, if at all.

She approached a group of soldiers waiting for their turn to be treated.

"Major Senna," one of them greeted after his comrades had fallen silent, apparently aware of her other position. "Any help we could render you?"

"Where might I find Brigadier Nu'man?"

"He could be in consultation with the others on the status of our defenses, Major, in his private room. You're welcome to try. Our regards to him."

"Your name, soldier?"

"Ren, my lady."

"Ren... and the others. Wish you all a speedy and healthy recovery. May your swords stay sharp. May our cause be allowed to prevail."

The soldiers thumped their fists on to their chests in silent acknowledgement.


As Senna made her way to where the brigadier was, she recalled being summoned into Urdin's presence for the first time in her active service in that same castle, supposedly for some friendly advice. It had been no easy moment, for the man already was gaining renown for his fiery temper and sharp tongue; no different from his old man, some said.

Urdin had been standing alone when she was ushered in.

'Sen,' he had begun softly, without turning, 'you are the first female ever since my father's days to serve in active military service, do you know?'

'I am... not aware of this, sir,' she had replied with some surprise, lowering her gaze. 'Pardons.'

'Look up when I'm speaking to you!'

That fiery tone again... but when she complied, if timidly, she could not sense any hint of anger from his expression.

'Do not think to ever misplace my trust, or any other's. You have trodden a path few of your sex in this period could hope to even see, Senna--do not give them cause to feel inferior, for we are not created without rights.'


Her commander had then sighed, approached her, and laid a hand on her armored shoulder. She had not flinched nor tried to back away.

'I may not be the most pleasant man to work with, quite unlike my brother; so if you are dissatisfied with me at any point in your service, feel free to say so. I shall act accordingly.'

'Sir! Why would I be, when you are the one directly responsible for my being on this path?'

'Just in case.'


His gaze had implored her to hold back, and she did--though not without a hint of that very dissatisfaction that Urdin had fathomed; she had not dared to put it to words, however. The arm that touched her shoulder had pressed a little before letting go.

'That is all I have to say to you. If there's nothing else, you may take your leave.'

She had painfully resisted the urge to hug him then, for such a subtle display of understanding. 'Sir. Viva Hospodia.'

The Lone Call: Fists of Union (Arc II) [First draft]Where stories live. Discover now