Options (Senna, pt. 1) (E)

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Day 80 of the siege. Ardis' outskirts.

After a demanding week (exactly the length of time that Resna had predicted earlier), and having successfully eluded or dealt with virtually all of Arenda's persistent mounted scouts, the unlikely pair had finally found their way out of the dense Mirdas Forest--hoping that their provisions would be replenished in the town they were headed to. That, or a quick and secret demise at the hands of those they would pledge to protect.

"Oi, Resna..." Senna panted from the sweltering day despite the forest's canopies, "got any water left?"

She snatched the last of their shared provisions, a tied satchel of water, out of the air; feeling its lightness. In all likelihood, it was already half-empty if not less.

"Sure you don't want some? You're the agent after all."

"Take it," he replied airily. "You can always find another agent should I fail, now, can't you, dear?"

Senna didn't find it in her to banter, mumbled a thank-you, and after a prayer took three small sips before allowing the satchel to slide down to the ground, trampled by her steed's hind-legs and soon forgotten.

That was all.

"Great," the agent commented. "Now let's hope the Ardisians still hold true to their oaths."

"They must," came the grunt, "or we can forget about a united Hospodia."

"You know, Senna, sometimes I find it in me to be surprised at your determination--or stubbornness--to continue fighting for that House's cause, even at the risk of your very life. As if there is something more... personal at stake here."

"What do you know, spy?" She urged her mount to a brisk trot. "I am an officer in its army. Soldiers obey, not argue... quite unlike your lot who flirt, bribe and sometimes shed blood for information, not to mention pay lip-service to the winning side."

He reined to keep up. "And yet without the considerable aid of my lot, if it's that, military campaigns--in some of which you took part--would arguably be harder to conclude. Wouldn't you say?"

"I suppose I could thank you for that much."

"Now, now, is this how you regard me having come this far, when there's very slim chance of turning back? Is this what your friendship amounts to?"

"Don't get me wrong!" Senna snapped. "I only want to have somewhere peaceful, united and prosperous to settle in, wed, have children... and if I have to struggle for it, so darn well be it!"

"Oft-times the sole thought of every agent on duty, do you know?" Resna murmured in so stoic a tone that his companion turned to look at him. "We spies, much like you soldiers, are sent to enemy territories with our own resources. We, like you, have to contend with the weather, the places, the feelings... but while you'll be buried with honor the moment you fall, or soon after it, we would in all likelihood be shrugged off, denied as even existing, earning less than a footnote in the mention of your 'glorious' history of a House; our intricate labors be damned. For that much you can only offer us thanks, you said, and yet you dare accuse me of paying lip-service?! Open the heck up, wench!"

Senna sighed heavily after reining for a halt. "Alright... my bad. Let's not make the task ahead more difficult, shall we?"

Resna kept his glowering silence.

"We can rest here, if you want," she tried again.

"To what point? It's not like we can hunt anything here."

"Then we must continue... but are you coming with me?"

At length, he nodded. "Got a family waiting in the beasts' lair, what can I say?"

The Lone Call: Fists of Union (Arc II) [First draft]Where stories live. Discover now