Disciples (Senna) (E)

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"Now then, Resna, let's get on with the brass tacks. Hmm?"

"Still as brazen as when I first met you, Sen."

She rolled her eyes. "Don't flirt with me, spy. It was because you had offered your service as a double agent, and because the princeling had consented to that, that you have the leisure to see eye to eye with me now. Or, are you altering that statement?"

"Now, don't be like that, dear warden. Flirting is one of the ways for spies to better cover their tracks, do you know? Besides, I was genuinely overjoyed to have my life spared, as who wouldn't?"

Senna bristled. "Call me 'dear' again and I might have second thoughts about sending you in. Will you now quietly listen when I lay down our plans?"

Her agent shrugged. "Familiarity is the first key to cooperation, and sadly you seem to be neglecting it."

The to-be handler took a deep breath and exhaled before proceeding, wondering all the while if a veteran of sixty raids ought to take this from an unproven agent.

"Recall that you said you have loyal contacts still in Arenda," she began.

"I do."

"They are dependable?"

"They would not be able to take armed soldiers head on, if that's what you meant. Disruptions, though..."

He paused and looked at her, uncertain. "We won't be going for Arenda?"

"You're that quick, huh," she teased. "Ardis. It's a town on its periphery, an ideal rallying point."

"Works both ways, dear. Fail and they'll know where to look."

"Then don't."

"Easier said than done, Sen. Spying is a chancy thing to begin with... and being rebels themselves, the current Arendan government is quite well-versed in the trade of double-dealing. Wouldn't you agree?"

"First things first, 'dear'. We will enter Ardis, take in the situation, and if it is favorable enough, commence the operation with whatever resources there are."

"If," he muttered. "There's your first misstep. The Arendans are no fool not to have the city nearest to theirs under close watch. It might as well turn out to be another loyal city... to the wrong side. Have you considered that?"

"And your contacts?"

"Arrested? Forced into hiding, might be?"

"Look here, Resna," Senna countered fiercely. "I will not wait out this siege and do nothing. It is going to be chancy, sure. How we will fare in said city, or even if we're going to make it there, I know not--but I do know I have to get there at the very least. Only then can real progress be made. Are you with me?"

"I would not have taken the pledge otherwise."

"Then stop yapping and listen. I still need to see to quite a few things here, so be ready to leave in at least three days. On the third day, be ready to hop on the saddle at a moment's notice. Alright?"

"Ah, so we'll be riding together. Didn't know you have that side."

"Two horses, darn you. How long will that take, do you think?"

"Allowing for lay-offs, skirmishes and avoiding patrols... A week. Any quicker and it'll be a feat on our part."

"A week," she repeated. "Fair."


"Three days before leaving for Ardis? Is that fixed?" Hnakir inquired when he ran into Senna on his way to guard duty that day, the sixty-seventh of the siege.

The Lone Call: Fists of Union (Arc II) [First draft]Where stories live. Discover now