Assertions (Urdin) (W)

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Day Twenty-Five after departure from Estreon. Libra Point.

The usual salutations had been uttered, the pleasantries exchanged, the guests received. Contrary to Sergeant Husrev's expectations, Urdin showed almost no hint of jubilation--given his most recent undoubted victory--as he was being escorted to the latter's study.

"Your outpost offers the shortest, most direct route to Elbar, Husrev, as you're well aware," the general said as he strode. "Don't expect your welcoming me so cordially to be missed."

"Entertained no such thoughts myself, sir," the overseer returned, smiling. "Indeed, I expect to be attacked at almost any moment."

"Your outpost's behavior did not strike me as that prepared for any conflict," Arys joined, being the only one allowed to accompany the general, to the others' mutual consent.

"Casual readiness is our slogan, Sir Arys."

Urdin scoffed. "Better not make it a habit."

Husrev cleared his throat. "As a matter of fact, sir, in my study I currently have two other visitors. I hope you wouldn't mind waiting alongside them."

"I have waited for just over a year to see my House reunited, what makes you think a few minutes more couldn't be spared?"

"Be it so."

Five more minutes passed before they reached and entered Husrev's study, and indeed there were two visitors. To Urdin's surprise, these two immediately stood and lowered their gazes.

The Eagle turned to look at his host. "No casual visitor would act this way."

"Your reputation precedes you, General," one of the bowing visitors replied.

"Do I know you, good sir?"

"Sir, we are ones sent from the remaining two outposts, Capricorn and Virgo Points, to reaffirm our pledges to Hospodia. Due to their being located so near the contested lands with the Skandian Empire, our overseers opted for this step instead of welcoming you directly. Nor could they afford to spare any number of troops to aid in your final storm of Elbar as it is, for the same reason, and for that we have also been bid to convey their heartfelt apologies."

Urdin nodded. "Your presence is worth a thousand troops each. When you have safely returned, do convey to your respective overseers that their move is highly appreciated, and to keep their garrisons on alert for any fresh Skandian attempts, battered as they have been."

"We'll be sure to, sir," said the other visitor. By now they had resumed their erect stances.

"As such," Husrev went behind his table that was being occupied by a scale map of Elbar, "I presume we can now proceed to brass tacks."


"Do you mean to tell me, again," Urdin squinted in subtle wonder having for ten minutes listened to Husrev's explanations, "that Elbar is at present almost devoid of mubarizuns?"

"Vasmir's ill-advised usurpation appears to have displeased many in their ranks, sir, more so kind Lord Ingeras' demise; not to mention the foul scheming to murder his young son. To that end, many of the mubarizuns had undertaken to either disperse to one of the outposts along this Link or rejoin the truer cause--yours. In Elbar right now, their strength, if we could still call it that, is but a thousand; about half of them seems prepared to allow us in, or so my informers told me."

"Now that you are here, Sir Urdin," one of the two other visitors joined, "we might commence Elbar's storming, with your consent."

The Eagle, after a minute of uninterrupted silence, inclined his head. Arys could almost sense him shedding manly tears, not for the first time.

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