*Special Part: Promises (Ukara) (E)

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At the moment when Senna was happily concluding her session with Balaras Castle's custodian, a family gathering was taking place somewhere in the smoke-choked city. Despite the surroundings, it had joyous--even melancholic--airs.

The hostess of such gathering was Eara Velandis, Ukara's wife, and the participants were their children: Azumi, Iruha and Savis--thirteen, ten and seven respectively by the time of their father's long awaited arrival.

Reminiscence was thick in the air, more so when Ukara intimated that he would someday like to introduce them all to the young Prince Vlos.

"That would be splendid," Eara beamed. "About time Azumi enters the army service... as a page, say."

"Soon to be an archer," the youth retorted, "just like Dad. I can shoot arrows just as well, I'll have you know!"

"Now, now, Big Brother, you need not be so hot-headed," his sister Iruha cooed. "If you are as good with arrows as you said, why, then you should be out there defending the walls, where anyone good with any weapon is called for. Why aren't you?"

Azumi flushed. "I... might be turned down for my age. As Mom said, a page might be best at this point."

"I hear that the prince is as the same age as Big Sister Iruha," Savis joined cheerfully. "How can he lead grown men fighting for their lives that way?"

"Savis, you would not want to speak before the prince like that," his father reminded. "Young he might be, but he's got wise, strong and dependable men and women counseling him--myself included."

"In that case, husband," Eara said, "you ought to return soon to the castle by the prince's side. Your service might yet be needed, afield or otherwise..."

She paused as at the knocking sounds on the house's front door, and hesitated.

"I'll go get it," Azumi offered, standing up from his cushion.

"Don't, Big Brother! It might be another bunch of looters..." Savis shivered, recalling the raids.

"Or an officer asking for volunteers," Iruha suggested with some malice.

"Whichever it is, I'll get it," came the stubborn reply.

Indeed, he was soon face to face with an officer--but not, as it turned out, one looking for volunteers.

"Hey, kid," the officer looked down on him, "your papa happens to be here?"

"This is his house. Who are you?"

"An associate. Why that tense look, now?"

"Uh, I... don't believe I know you."

"As do I. Hurry and get him now, my legs are aching from the wait."

The youth nodded with a tinge of fear, and hurried on inside.

"An associate of yours, Dad... that's what our visitor said."

"Why don't you welcome him in here?" Eara suggested. "I'll have some tea ready."

"Actually, Mom, it's a 'she'."

At this, Ukara and his wife stood almost simultaneously.

"Oh my! Could it be the only female officer in our army thus far?!" Eara beamed in delight.

"Whatever could Senna be doing here?!" her husband blurted. They paused then, looked at each other, and immediately turned away in shame at such a juvenile display of manners.

"Azu," his mother said, hoping to repair things a bit, "do show her in. Iru and Sav, help me with the tea."

"Right," came their chorused reply.

The Lone Call: Fists of Union (Arc II) [First draft]Where stories live. Discover now