Pastimes (Urdin) (W)

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The Eagle fretted for a while at the thought of delay (for he was not quite used to it) but Asha's calm, almost soothing, manner as she made that point had soothed him to some extent. The point was also sound; he'd do well not to engender divisions just days before his march.

Besides, so many things could be performed in three days. Private talks with each of his would-be lieutenants thus came next in his agenda.

To that end, first, he looked for Kalasnir. By that time he was well aware of the whispers accusing said person--rightly--of having had the audacity to shoot him down.

Let it not cause bad blood between us later...

Indeed, Kalasnir showed considerable hesitation as he was ushered into his former target's presence. Urdin opted to welcome him in while standing, to somewhat break the ice.

"Take a seat, will you, soldier."

"Sir. By your leave."

The Eagle sat down himself, noting his visitor's quivering fingers, and surmised he was itching still for some way to clear his records.

"You might be aware there are still rumors circulating about us two," Urdin began.

Kalasnir dared not meet his gaze. "A thousand apologies, sir. That was... very thoughtless of me. I even had the sense, while waiting on your wounded person during the first few hours after the calamity, that the mayoress might have wished it to have been me instead. I feel I deserve it!"

"Hold yourself together, man," came the emotionless reply. "Whatever punishment Asha would've meted on you, had been cancelled, it seems. Instead you have been transferred to my service, to fight another day."

"For that I am truly and deeply grateful, sir... though your reputation in strictness precedes you."

Urdin exhaled while leaning back in his seat. "I live among soldiers; be not strict, and I might not have gotten as far as I do. Is discipline here of different sorts, Kalasnir?"

"I would not say that, sir. However, if I may speak freely..." he gulped, flushing.

"Go on."

"Our discipline under Madam Mayor Ashara is as good as it would have been under the management of any man, sir, if not slightly better. Although we have had no battles worth mentioning, she kept us polished and fit to serve... and now we'll finally put the drills into actual practice! Oh, Sir Urdin, how I look forward to the day of our first march!"

"Hold on," the former general squinted. "No battles, did you say? How about during the reign of Asha's husband? Claiming princedom from a sovereign empire ought to have caused at least some tussle..."

"Ah, that was during my father's time, sir, and he only spoke of border guard duties. He recalled allowing two Skandian envoys past this city's gates, but that was pretty much it."

"What sort of adversaries have you been trained to handle, then?"

"Mainly Men, afoot or ahorse. For the latter, a well-placed arrow is as decent as any spear, held or thrown."

"Even in the face of thundering horses, with their riders' swords and maces drawn and pointed at you?"

Kalasnir sat straighter. "We have been trained also at feigned retreats, sir."


"It's a bit difficult to prove now, but--"

"And yet you managed to shoot me down. Was that in your training as well?"

"More of instinct, sir. To bring down hostiles in the air, you would of course have to aim higher, and release together. The braziers also were helpful to us, in somewhat lighting the quarry. It... might also aid that your focus was not completely on us."

The Lone Call: Fists of Union (Arc II) [First draft]Where stories live. Discover now