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All Autobot personnel made it onto the Nemesis seconds later, being brought to the outside of the ship. Despite being outside of the stratosphere and miles upon miles upon miles away from breathable oxygen, Ailani appeared to have little to no trouble functioning like she would on Earth.

All happenings aboard the Nemesis were jumbled heaps of laser blasting chaos. Red beams of fatal light rained down from the starry canvas around them, and Ultra Magnus found himself shielding Aliani's small body with his working servo as he fired blasts of his own toward the assaulting vehicon jets.

"The omega lock's control station is located on the lower deck," Ratchet's voice could be heard from Magnus' com-link. "I am making my way there now."

"Did you get all that?" Magnus had asked his liege soon after, firing yet another beam from his arm cannon before ducking behind a wall.

"Sure did," Ailani replied, noticing shortly after that Arcee and the other stealth bots were making their way toward the entry way of the ship. "What's the plan, Peterbilt?"

The mech took a moment to reply as Ailani hopped down from his shoulder, back pressed against their defensive wall as he listened in to whoever it was that was speaking over the com-link.

"We storm the bridge," Magnus relayed, beckoning that Ailani prepare herself to get moving. "We must prevent the Decepticons from targeting the device if the stealth team is delayed."

"Copy that." Ailani nodded in understanding, not missing a beat as Magnus began to advance forward; meeting Bulkhead and Wheeljack halfway to the entrance bey.

As the Wrecker team forced their way in, Ailani lended her aid in blowing the faceplates off of a handful of vehicons herself, eyes being peeled for a specific oracle as they inched further into the warship.

"Wreckers," Magnus called from in front of them, surveying the halls before leading them down the right corridor. "Let's move."

As the group made their way toward their targeted destination, the same sickening feeling that plagued Ailani's gut when encountering August a mere few hours prior settled deep into her system. Though, at that moment as she ran side by side with the Wreckers, that particular feeling seemed different somehow — like the instinct to fight piqued itself in her brain. It felt as natural as breathing, like she was meant to be experiencing such an inclination.

The time for dwelling within her own head, however, was strictly cut short as the doorway leading into the bridge slid open. At the sight of the Cons within the room aligned with Ailani's glowing hues, the urge to heighten her pace intensified. An array of multi colored blues and reds lit the room as each side fired their cannons, and suddenly the sick in her gut made sense.

"Secure the bridge!" Ultra Magnus ordered as Ailani's eyes met with those of August's, her quick-paced sprint coming to an abrupt halt once the diluted rage she once felt burst in her chest.

As the two oracles faced off, the swirling vortex of a ground-bridge was suddenly opened on the metal floor. Calling for attention, both Ailani and August's eyes were pulled to the sight, seeing quickly that the rest of the Wrecker team were pulled through it; their destination unknown to the oracle.

"Mags —"

As Ailani called for her Bot, a blast of electric purple erupted in front of her boots, causing her to stumble back a few steps as her glare was set back on August.

"Ah, ah, ah," he waved a taunting finger. "We mustn't get in the way of the big Bots. We might get crushed."

"Trust me, pal, you'll be worse than crushed when I'm done with you." Ailani hissed venomously, her fists raised boxer-style as the blond let out a breathy laugh.

Automative Repairs ((TFP ULTRA MAGNUS X OC))Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu