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"So the kid clipped the laser end of Laserbeak's transponder." Wheeljack has been saying upon Ailani and Ultra Magnus' entry to their renewably secured base.

"You're not such a bad shot after all." Arcee had replied, prompting the oracle to chance Magnus a questioning look, only to receive a limp shrug in reply.

Frowning, Ailani shifted her attention from the Bots and over to the humans, whom were gathered around Raph at a table. Piquing her interest, Ailani departed from Magnus' side to investigate. As she drew near, she rose a brow at the sight of Raph's laptop hooked up to a charred piece of Cybertronian metal.

"We thought he might be the best one to provide an analysis to the transponder Smokescreen had shot off of Laserbeak during its infiltration while you were away," Fowler had filled her in once she was at his side, taking notice to the confused look on her face. "... in Ratchet's absence."

A sad, understanding look replaced that of Ailani's cluelessness before turning back to Raph, who had been busy typing away at his keyboard.

"It's trying to communicate with the warship." Raph explained, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"How do you know?" Miko questioned thereafter.

"It's telling us." The boy replied matter-of-factly, speaking as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

"Uh, Raph," Jack piped up as he and Miko simultaneously leaned in to get a peek at his work. "That's Cybertronian code."

"Wait," Miko rose her hands in the air. "First Raph understands Bumblebee, and now he can read Cybertronian? Are we sure he's not some kind of alien like Ailani?"

"I'm not an alien," the girl in question was quick to defend herself, a scowl prominent on her face. "Just... gifted."

"I've been learning for a while," Raph spoke up after his prolonged silence. "In between stuff, when... Ratchet had time to teach me. It's not Ailani's fault that she's a prophet for the Autobots, either. It just comes with the package."

Ailani bit the inside of her cheek at Raphael's glum tone and made it a point to stand behind him, hands on either of his shoulders in a comforting gesture.

"Thanks kiddo," she had said quietly, wrapping her arms around him to press her cheek on the side of his head. "He's taught you a lot, huh? We'll get him back."

"If it's the last thing we do." Miko followed with a promise whilst Jack set his own hand on Ailani's shoulder.

"If it's talking to it's mama," Fowler commented, thoroughly killing the solemn mood. "Can we triangulate the signal?"

His question was directed toward Magnus, who had been watching the whole scene unfold by the monitors.

"To a shielded warship?"

"If the transponder were still attached to Laserbeak, we could follow it." Arcee explained from her place beside the Wrecker leader.

"Maybe we should give it wings." Wheeljack suggested.

"We can use spare parts from the machine shop." Raph pointed out.

"And I'm pretty sure I've got some scrap metal back at my warehouse." Ailani added, standing up straight to prop her elbow on top of Raphael's head.

"Then let's do it," the Wrecker nodded his helm, smiling. "For the Doc."


Ailani had departed from base to retrieve the necessary parts to engineer wings for Laserbeak's stray transponder soon thereafter, leaving Magnus behind to lend a hand — saying that it would only take a minute or two for her to return.

Automative Repairs ((TFP ULTRA MAGNUS X OC))Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ