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"You said the Decepticons were advancing," Ailani spoke up as Magnus sped down the highway toward Jasper. "What does that mean exactly?"

"The Autobots sent out a distress beacon," the mech explained, surprisingly calm taking the circumstance. "Their base has been destroyed and I have to find them."

"You mean we?"

"No," Magnus declined immediately. "I'm taking you back home where you'll be —"

"What? Safe?" Ailani snapped, crossing her arms defiantly over her chest. "If the Decepticons are close to Jasper, I'm no safer there than I am with you. So I'm going."

"Dunne," he said warningly, engine revving.

"Nope, I've made up my mind," Ailani smirked and stuck her nose up into the air. "We're in this together, Peterbilt, and there's no way you can talk me out of it. You owe me."

"For what?" He questioned incredulously, speeding up once they neared the desert city. "I took you to Yellowstone as payment."

"Sure," she shrugged. "But we didn't stay a day like you promised, so it's immediately vetoed! Now I wanna go with you."

"You're completely insufferable." The mech groaned defeatedly

"And you love it." Ailani sniggered, smiling smugly as she leaned up against his window. "What's the plan?"

Magnus huffed. "We have to get my ship back."

"Well, duh, but how?"

"We'll just have to hope that you were right about the 'feds' giving up," he confessed, uncertainty in his voice. "If not, we'll just have to result to sneaking in."

Ailani hummed in acknowledgement as the city line of Jasper came into view — along with the lonesome building of her mechanics shop, and with it advanced the outline of a giant tower rooted in the center of the city.

"What the hell is that?" Ailani gaped, rising a finger toward it.

"A Decepticon tower, it looks like." Magnus replied, turning off the road and toward his dormant ship.

"You're so calm about this," Ailani observed, eyes glued to the alien skyscraper as they passed the city. "There are ships 'n shit flying out of it and you're calm."

Magnus neglected to reply to her crisis as they approached his ship. He came to a slow stop behind the boulder Ailani had hidden behind the day the two met, popping open the door to let her out.

Ailani jumped to the orange sands below and rounded the mech's hood to peek around the edge of the rock. From what she could see, there were a few giant robots walking around the seemingly empty crater Magnus' ship still laid in.

"Four Decepticreeps," Ailani relayed, turning over her shoulder. "I can distract them while you get to your ship."

"Are you insane?" Magnus questioned sharply, voice hushed.

"Partially," Ailani tried a smile as she looked around for something to use as a weapon. Conveniently, she spotted a metal rod not too far from where she was standing. "We gotta be as discreet about stealing your ship back as possible. You're lucky I'm here, scrub."

"There's no way —"

"You can't talk me out of it," Ailani cut him off, swiping the sun-heated rod from its place on the ground before slyly running out of their hiding spot. "Focus on the ship, Peterbilt."

Without looking back, Ailani rested the pole against her shoulder as she strutted up to the vehicon soldiers — whom had tracking devices in their hands as they tried to pinpoint Magnus' ship.

Automative Repairs ((TFP ULTRA MAGNUS X OC))Where stories live. Discover now