November 20th, 2066

5 1 0

The ceiling above me is... solid.

The walls and floor are solid.

There are no cracks, no leaks, no... there's nothing disheveled about my dorm room. That's the other thing, too--it's my room. I don't share it with anyone. How long has it been since I had my own room, all to myself? Sure, it's small, but it's mine. The bed is mine, the dresser is mine, and the closet is mine. I can come and go as I please, roaming the halls of a large, steel facility.

Sanctum itself is a massive building on this island; Crutch couldn't have constructed it so quickly, so I assume that it must be something that was repurposed from a time before this war began. The facility has over thirty floors, with most of the dormitories residing in the bottom five layers.

I spend much of my time in my room, hoping to avoid Jess. She often comes in and speaks with me, anyway. I asked her why she didn't go out and find someone to fool around with, leaving me to write and sleep. Her response was bringing a stranger into my room and messing around with her in here. I just want some peace and a lock on my door, but I was told that the lack of locks are for my safety--if the door is locked and I have a mental breakdown or am in too much pain to get out of bed, no one would be able to come and help me. That's a fair assessment, as my illness has been getting substantially worse over these last few weeks.

Today, I went to see a doctor for a checkup. She was a bit rough with me, almost void of emotion. She demanded that her questions be answered with either yes or no, claiming she didn't need extensive details about my condition to determine my state. Doctor Bradhurst--that's her name--asked me the same questions my old doctor used to ask me, though she was less caring when it came to her treatment of me.

Am I experiencing auditory hallucinations? Not recently.

Yes or no? No.

Am I experiencing visual hallucinations? No.

Any pain? Yes

Severe? Sometimes.

Yes or no? Yes.

Migraines? Yes.

Memory Loss? Yes.

Worse than it was yesterday? Don't remember.

Yes or no? Yes.

Then, she put a syringe in my arm, pumped me with a fluid that I assume was just meant to kill the pain, and sent me to the cafeteria. I just ate mashed potatoes and gravy before I came back up to my dorm room, where Jess was waiting for me. She told me I was being a wimp--that I wasn't manly enough to power through my illness. After I yelled at her, she finally left the room. She didn't even bother closing the door behind her, so I had to walk back to it despite how much pain my back and legs are in, today.

Tomorrow, I think I'm going to try to find Sara's sister, Heather. It would be good to talk to her face-to-face and try to find out what happened with Sara.

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