taxi cab [ethan nestor]

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I wanna fall inside your ghost
And fill up every hole inside my mind

She was something like you've never seen. Something about her was interesting. She didn't speak a lot but she was always writing. She carried around a journal. The journal was black leather with the words 'Death Note' written across it. Ethan knew it was an anime but he wanted to know what was written in it.

No matter what class she was in, she was writing. With a red pen that had star stickers stuck on it. Day after day she'd open the worn journal and write with the sticker covered pen.

And I want everyone to know
That I am half a soul divided

Ethan was an outcast. He wasn't normal like everyone else was. Not only is his attire different than everyone but they way he acted. His voice was quiet as if it was undeveloped. He was like half a person. He could never make up his mind. When he got bullied he just accepted it. Didn't spout a single word nor tear.

Either way, you're by my side
Until my dying days

Ethan wanted to make friends with the girl. So during drama class he made a big decision and sat next to her. She flashed him and smile before looking at her notebook. Ethan's face grew a light shade of pink before he spoke. "Hi I'm Ethan." His voice squeaked. She smiled closing her book and turning her attention to Ethan. "I'm Y/N."

And if I'm not there and I'm far away
I said, don't be afraid

Ethan and Y/N got close. Ethan spoke more and Y/N wasn't in her notebook all the time. They had become best friends over the past three months. Everything was great for the two. Smiling everyday. Laughing when they were together.

I wanna strip myself of breath
A breathless piece of death I've made for you

Ethan had gotten worse although he didn't show it. His mental stability was horrible. His dark thoughts would flood his mind. Yet he hid it. He smiled when he talked to Y/N. She didn't seem to see anything wrong with her blue boy.

So the hearse ran out of gas, a passenger person grabbed a map

Ethan tried to fight it. He tried taking meds but soon it wasn't enough.

Driving once again, but now this time there were three men

The voices began to multiply making him distant from Y/N. He couldn't focus or speak anymore. He eventually stopped going to school.

A little light revealed the spot where my fingernails had fought

Day by day his arms became littered with scars. He became skinnier and skinnier.

"We're driving toward the morning, son
Where all your blood is washed away and all you did will be undone."

Ethan couldn't handle it anymore. With one quick trip to the hardware store and a quick kick all his pain was washed away. But his happiness was gone too.

I said, don't be afraid

Y/N was informed the morning after by Ethan's mom that her blue boy had killed himself. Y/N felt her heart break as his mom explained to her his condition. It made sense of why he acted like he did.

Y/N was offered to go to the funereal which was held the next week. She accepted. She wanted to see him one last time and give her final goodbye.

I said, don't be afraid

Y/N stood in the empty room above Ethan's casket. His mom let her have a little alone time to say goodbye. She gripped her notebook in her hand as a tear fell from her cheek to the ground.

"We weren't all that different Ethan." Y/N said flipping over her arms. There it was. Her pale skin covered in years worth of scars. She took a deep breath in before bring her arms back down.

"You always wanted to know what was in here." She held up the black book even though she knew he couldn't see it. "Well they're songs. Lots of them. I actually just wrote a new one. It's called Taxi Cab." She blink trying two see through her tears. "It's about a boy who fought against his inner demons in silence until it was too late." And at those words Y/N broke down.

She fell to the ground in tears. Her only friend just left her without warning. And she couldn't do anything to help. Ethan's mom came in and hugged the crying Y/N. She tried to shush her as the empty funeral home echoed of quiet sobs and broken demons.

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