transgender [natepat](one)

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[Even if they seem happy, they're not.]


My alarm goes off quite obnoxiously. Slamming the clock off I realize what day it is. My mom planned a brunch I had to go to. Even though I was in college she thought it was a good idea for me to see her often.

I checked the time and realized I had less than a half hour till I had to be there. I rushed around looking for something to wear.

Running out of time I threw on a black tshirt and skinny jeans. I look at my chest sighing. "I wish I didn't have these." I mumble. I continue to get ready placing hair into a horrible messy bun. I grab my phone making it out of my room. Grabbing my guitar on my way out the dorm.

I pull up into my mom's driveway making sure I don't hit her car. I hop out the car grabbing my guitar. I lock the car and make my way to the door.

Since I used to live here in have the keys. I unlock the door shutting it softly behind me until I hear a click.

"Mom I'm here!" I yell. I hear her rush downstairs. "Hi darli--- what are you wearing?" She questions. "Clothes?" I reply setting my guitar down. "Um I'm sorry Natalie but you have to wear a dress, change quickly guest are coming soon." She pipes. "My names not Natalie it's Nate. Also I'm not wearing a dress it's uncomfortable." She walks up to me and gets in my face the best she could since I was taller.

"Listen I ave birth to a daughter Natalie so you will act like one and wear a dress." She spats in my face her tone full of anger. I don't bother arguing I just make my way upstairs. "It's Nate not Natalie." I mumble as I trudge up the stairs.

I make my way to my old room and find the box I hide. It contained all the dresses my mom ever made or got me. I always told her I lost them or a friend borrowed them. Not really I just hid them.

I sigh finding an all black one. It's the only one that's sort of guyish. It had sleeves but cut off the shoulders and was an okay length. The only thing that annoyed me is that is was a fitting dress.

I wonder if I have any of that tape? I look in my closet and find it in one of my other boxes. I head to the bathroom attached to my room and lock the door. She won't notice would she? I ignore the thought and tape down my chest. Better I'm a boy. I smile at myself in the mirror. I put on the dress and my smile immediately fades. I look so stupid and girly. At least I did a good job at taping my chest.

I make my way downstairs as guest were arriving. "Natalie welcome the other guests." She looks down at my chest. She looks at me with a glare but then turns away leading the guest into the dining room. I sigh looking at the last of the guest. And knowing my luck they're all my age.

It was a female with two males. "Hello Natalie." I sigh not trying to explain how my name is Nate. "Hi since I'm stuck with you guys for an hour might as well learn your names." I reply. I point to the female. "Well I'm Stephanie. The red head is Mark and the brown hair is Mat." I look to the boys and smile. "Follow me to food and whatever."

I lead them to the dining room. They all take a seat next to me. It goes Mark, Stephanie, Mat, then I. "Hey isn't your daughter supposed to have a chest? She is a female who is twenty years old." I heard a parents say to my mom. "Well Natalie...." I cut off my mom. "Hi I'm Nate." I say turning to the man smiling. My mom just kind of glares at me. I hear Mat snicker so Stephanie hits him.

"Mat come with me would you?" I say grabbing his arm and dragging him to my room.

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