gtlive [matthew patrick]

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I invited Y/N over for a GTLive as I'm quite new friends with her but I felt like we've know each other forever. She's only a year younger and she's my height. She has H/C with maroon tips. She also has this disorder with her eyes where one is grey and the other is E/C. It's actually really cool it doesn't affect her vision either. Although she does wear glasses.

I started to set out drinks and what not since today's stream is a little longer than usual. We were playing Hello Neighbor. As the fans requested they wanted us to try different glitches.

I hear a knock on the door and open to see Y/N. She was wearing an Undertale shirt that had Temmi on it. Along with that she wore matching baby blue skinny jeans. "Hey Mat!" She said excited.

"Excited I see?" I ask. I met her in. "Of course I get to do GTLive with Mr MatPat himself!" She whisper yells in excitement. I just laugh and show her to the room. "Okay so since Steph isn't here you are going to go through comment and Twitter every now and then. (Mat and Steph aren't married in this. They are just good friends.) She nods happily sitting down. I look to Jason who was finishing setting up.

Once he says were live we start the intro. "Hey and welcome to GTLive!" Y/N and I yell in sync. "And today were playing Hello Neighbor. So many of you guys requested us to do it again." Y/N was looking at the chat. "Many people are asking who I am. Well I'm Y/N or Y/T/N on YouTube. I'm filling in for Steph as she's away." She smiles to the camera. "Also thank you to everyone in the chat who said I was pretty and complemented my eyes." She said looking back at the chat.

I continued playing and we did the trash can glitch. "How the heck can you draw so fast yet perfect?" She was looking on Twitter. "At SheyWantsToBtl, she drew you in the trashcan. Very well done." (If anyone is named SheyWantsToBtl heyyy). We continued the stream and she would read out chat ideas and twitter art.

Once we finished the stream I noticed why the talking stopped fifthteen minutes before I finished the game. Y/N fell asleep. "Well as Y/N is asleep I will look at the chat." I say grabbing the laptop. "Lizzy says Goodnight Y/N so does Jake, Jizzie, Lester, and so many others. I'll make sure to tell her." I say smiling. Jason cuts the stream.

"What are you going to do with Y/N?" Jason asks. "I'll let her sleep. She's probably really tired." Jason nods and leaves. I try to leave but I feel something pull my arm. It was Y/N.

"Don't leave." She mumbled. "Okay I won't." I reply in a soft voice. I see a smile creep on her face. She soons pulls me down next to her. Her head in my chest and her arms around my stomach. "Comfy." She whispers. I take my arms and wrap them around her. "Goodnight." I say kissing her forehead. "Goodnight Matty." She says. I smile at her comment and fall asleep with her.

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