voices off [nathan sharp](eight)

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I walk with Nate. He hasn't told me what we were doing. "Okay I'm not going to tell you what we're doing but we're going to my house," Nate says. I just nod my head as we reach his house.

"Follow me." He says. I follow him to the basement. "Should I be concerned?" I asked a little confused. "I don't think so. At least I hope not." I heard another voice. I look up to see Mat. "What am I doing here?" I ask.

"Well, Mat thought since now you could speak that maybe you could do GTLive with him," Nate explained. A smile grew across my face. "Really?" I ask a smile going across my face. "Yep. I like having guests." Mat said.

We all take a seat on the couch while Jason finishes setting up. Once he's done the stream starts and we start to play Super Mario Maker.

"I'm using all my power not to curse right now." I say as I've played this level a million times. "I grew up with a brother who cursing was all I heard." I was so close to the end and I fell. "I'm done. Nope completely done." I set the controller down. Nate, Mat, and Jason were laughing. "I'll just read through chat." I said grabbing the laptop from Nate.

"Someone asked who I was. Well hello I'm Y/N." I reply smiling at the camera. "Also someone asked are you Dan's sister. Why yes I am. That's why I was fighting my urge to curse." I laugh a little. I go onto the Twitter and look through the hash tag.

"Man you guys are way to good at drawing." I say looking at Twitter. Mat was about to end the stream before Nate whispered something to him. "Okay everyone write 'do it' in the chat." Mat said.

The chat filled up with 'do it' and 'just do it'. I smiled a little confused. "Y/N?" Nate said. I hummed in response. "So you remember the first day we met?" Nate asked. I was a little confused but still responded. "Yeah the mute kid was set up to show the new kid around." "And you showed me your songs you wrote." "Oh yeah those." "Yeah those. Since then I wanted to know more about you. I made my effort to hang out with you. And now I have found my best friend. And now I want you to be my girlfriend." "What? Did you just?" He nodded his head. "Yes Nate. Yes I will be your girlfriend." I kissed him. "Guys PG stream!" Mat said laughing. We all ended the stream at the same time. "But hey that's just a stream. A live stream! Thanks for watching."

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