mangled [natepat](one)

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I was hired to work at Freddy Fazbear's. It's not the best job but it's what I could get. I had already gotten all the information about the job. It seemed very normal for the most part. Well except for the animatronics. They seemed off.

Nothing happened for the first hour it was quite boring. I just sat at my desk checking the cameras every now and then.

"Wait where's Chica?" I look at the stage camera she was missing? "Where the hell could an animatronic go?!" I yell. I flip through the cameras until I hear rustling in the kitchen. "Why is there no kitchen camera?" I whisper. I listened closely to the camera. The rustling stopped.

I jumped up from my seat when I heard a banging from the right vent. Not only that but banging from the front and the left one.

I backed up from my desk. "W-who's there!" I yell flashing my light at the right one. I saw Chica. "Ah what the fuck!" I yell. I keep moving father back. I shine it at the left vent. There was Bonnie. "H-how'd you get here!?" I yelled backing up hitting the wall. Knowing I had to figure out what was in front of me I shined the light at the front vent. There was Mangle. I screamed and fell to the ground.

I dropped my flashlight and glasses going into a ball. I was here for only there for three hours and I was fearing for my life. I could feel tears roll down my cheeks as I was regretting my decision to work here.

I could hear the clatter of metal come near me. I curled into a tighter ball, the tears streaming down faster. I felt something pick me up. Not carrying what it was, knowing I was going to die, I didn't resist.

"Hey why you crying?" I felt cold metal go across my cheek. "Hey Mangle let him go!" I hear a voice yell. I feel who I assume is Mangle set me back on the floor.

I open my eyes to see a tall man with a ebony somewhat fringe. He had deep brown eyes and wore black rimmed glasses. But he wasn't human. He had purple tear streaks stained down his face.

"Are you going to kill me?" I ask sniffling. "Why would I kill someone so adorable?" He said placing my glasses on my face. I felt my cheeks heat up. Did this thing call me adorable?

"So what's your name?" He asked sitting in front of me. "I-It's Matthew Patrick or Mat for short." I say trying not to make eye contact with him. "Well I'm the Puppet Master but, you Matthew get to call me Nate." He said pulling up my chin.

I had to ask or I wouldn't know. "Are you human or an animatronic?" I asked curious of his answer. "Well I'm sorta human. Well I'm more like a demon. I'm here to keep everyone here hints the name 'The Puppet Master'." He says winking.

Was he winking at me? Am I imagining things or am I already dead? I look at the clock. It's only four am. "Well you're a good looking demon." I mumble under my breathe. "Well thank you." Nate says. "I am very good looking." Oh shit he heard me. Does that mean he has super hearing?

"Puppet Master has a crush on a human!" I hear Mangle yell. Nate turns around quickly. "Shut up Mangle before I make you worse than you already are!" Nate yells. "Ouch I just wanted to have fun." Mangle said before leaving through the vents.

Nate turns back around facing me once again. He face was flustered and red. "Anyway~. Tell me why you got this job?" He said fixing his hair.

I looked at the clock and it was five am. Only one hour left. "Well after my girlfriend found out I was gay she left me." I could see Nate's face light up. "Well since I felt bored having all this free time I decided to get another job. I saw this ad and it seemed reasonable and boy was I wrong." Nate face turned sad. "I was almost killed by animatronics in the first three hours." I say.

"Well don't worry I won't let any of the animatronics hurt you as I want to see you here again." Nate said smiling. I hear my alarm go off and realize my shift is over. "Oh my shifts done." I say grabbing my phone. "Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow night?" Nate asked. "Wouldn't miss it for the world Puppet Master." I said before leaving the building.

~Does anyone want some smut in this? I feel like I should.

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