blue haired cutie [ethan nestor](nine)

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Mark came back with the hair dye. "This looks better than I thought." I said looking at the color on the box. "Yeah so when do you want to do it?" Mark asks. "Can you get Amy here?" He nods. "Okay text her asking if she can come over here and dye my hair." He nods walking into his room taking out his phone. I walk back into my room to see Ethan waking up. "Good morning Blue Haired Cutie." I said as he sat up on the bed.

I walk over to my closet picking out a shirt I don't care to ruin much. I decided on an old cactus t-shirt. I change my shirt out totally forgetting Ethan was in there. I turn around to see Ethan wide eyed. "What?" He just shakes his head. "Amy's here!" Mark yells. I grab my camera walking out my room into the lounge. "Y/N!" She hugs me. "So this is the color?" She asks and nod.

I position the camera on the kitchen island. Mark pulls in a chair in the view of the camera. I sit down with Amy behind me. "Hey guys so today I was tagged just a little earlier by AmazingPhil to do the hair dye tag. Well I thought let's get the fans in on this and I tweeted out asking your favorite color. And most requested was purple!" I show the box. "But because I'm a little rebel were doing an ombre of purple! And Amy here." She waves as she mixes the dyes. "She is going to be dyeing it for me because she is absolutely amazing." She smiles at me. "Also Mark and Ethan are here. I adjust the camera so it faces them and they both wave.

"So I will most likely fast forward everything unless we say something interesting." I smile as Amy starts.


"Obviously purple is a superior color to blue." I say to Ethan. He pulled a chair next to me, not close enough to get dye on him but enough so we could have a normal conversation without yelling but to be honest, yelling was normal. "But purple is just a shade of blue." "But still it's just way better." "I SHALL SETTLE THIS ARGUMENT!" Mark comes in with a crown on his head. "Red is obviously superior." He says taking the crown off. We both just laugh at him. "You're such a weirdo." I say to him. "It's because I am the best big brother." He says before leaving.

"Okay now you may shower." Amy say. "Okay I'm going to wash this out and then I'm going to blow dry it so we can see the affect! For now enjoy whatever weird things these three shall do." I say getting up from my chair.



"Why the hell do you guys have begets and why are you fighting with them?" Amy asked. We heard the blow dryer meaning Y/N was drying her hair. "Because we are men!" Mark yelled. "Awe mine broke." Mark whined. "Ha I win!" I yell. "Woah." Mark says. I turn around to see Y/N. Her hair was wow and she was oh. "Excuse my face but I don't have make up on also I'm not wearing contacts." She says fixing her glasses. "I totally forgot you wore glasses." Mark says. "Also excuse my outfit but I didn't want to put in effort of finding a new one so I just threw on a oversized cactus jumper Phil gave me." She says sitting down. "So yeah this is the hair. One of the purples turned out blue than purple but I think it looks cool." She says pushing her hair in front.

"You're twinning with Ethan now." Amy says. "Oh yeah I have blue hair like him." She smiles. I swear her smile will kill me. "Okay so I'm going to tag three people. Mark because his just needs to be recolored bad, Hannah Hoffman because why not, and Caroline Dare. I will link everyone's channels below so you can check there videos out. And yeah I will have a music cover out tomorrow so make sure to check out everyone I tagged also these two goofs as well." She points to Amy and I. "And I will see you in the next video, buh bye!" She places her hand over the camera.

"Well this was fun. Thanks again Amy. This looks amazing even though it came out blue." She said. "No problem and I don't know why I turned blue but I have to go see you three tomorrow when we dye Mark's" She smiles as she leaves. "Y/N you better have shorts under those." Mark says pointing to Y/N. "And what id I'm not?" She raises an eyebrow. "Well then I'll send poor Chica to attack." Once again Mark had the crown on. "Well you could if she wasn't already on my side. Attack Chica!" Chica runs up to Mark, licking him. "Ah the puppo has attacked!" Mark says "falling" to the ground.

"I'm editing this then heading to bed." She says walking to her room.

FORGIVE ME THIS WAS WRITTEN IN CLASS. Yeah better update coming soon! And i hope this chapter was fun because it was fun to write. Anyway buh bye!

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