Chapter Forty One: Forgot

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When Harry first saw Fleur coming towards him, he literally thought that a Greek Goddess was walking around on earth with modern clothes. He almost got to his knees and started muttering "Oh My Heavens Bless Me...Oh My Heavens Bless Me..." She was wearing a light blue dress with her hair tied back in a loose bun and just had the right amount of makeup on. She was smiling at Harry in a dazzling sort of way.

"Hey Harry how you're doing?" Fleur asked, once she had arrived next to him. "And um-you could close your mouth. Flies are swarming by.." She said awkwardly and pointed towards a fly who had almost made a smooth landing on Harry's tongue.

Harry blushed. "Sorry" He mumbled, scanning the hallway for anyone who would have noticed this. But lukily no one seemed to be outside other then him and Fleur. Great, Harry thought. Harry's good luck had just begun, which would mean it was going to last for another minuet or so. He just hoped his date would go by without any problem. But again, who was he kidding? He couldn't live for an hour without being interrupted by something or the other. And this was the entire evening.

"So?" Fleur asked, snapping Harry out of his thoughts. "Shall we go?"

"Yeah sure. Follow m-" Harry paused. Then he silently cursed himself for being so stupid. In his hurry and excitement to meet Fleur he had completely forgotten how would he lead him and Fleur outside the castle. Sneaking out was not an option. Someone or the other would eventually find him. Jumping out the window was also not an option. First of all Harry didn't want his first date to begin with his girlfriend (Could he call Fleur that?) having broken bones. Secondly, jumping out the window would be just as stupid as sneaking out because eventually they would be caught by the people standing outside or some magic barrier or something.

So that left him with two options: Confess or make an excuse and run back to the dorm.

Definitely the first option. 

Harry braced himself and took a deep breath before turning towards Fleur. "Look Fleur, I am terrible sorry but I forgot-" 

"I'm sorry but did you just say frog?" Fleur asked uncertainly.

Harry sighed. "No Fleur I said forgot. I mean to say that I 'forgot' to find a way which could take us to Hogsmeade. I don't know how to get out of the castle. I'm sorry" 

Fleur gave him a blank look. "So?" She asked.

"So we can't go out!" Harry exclaimed, A little annoyed.

At that second Fleur burst out laughing and fell to her knees clutching her stomach. "Oh my Gods. Harry you can't be serious? I'm Dumbledore's daughter for god's sake! I mean you really thought we would 'sneak out' or something? Well Harry just to let you know my dad has already arranged a way for us to get up. So shut up and follow me" She said, still giggling. 

Harry stared at her blankly. "So you mean we can get out of Hogwarts without playing a game of tag?" He asked, just to conform.

Fleur nodded. "Now come on Harry! We're going to be late" She snapped, grabbing Harry's wrist and leading him down the hallway.

"Oh by the way" She said, once they'd crossed half the way. "Where are your pants Harry?" She joked.

"Shut up"  

A/N: Hey guys! What I was thinking is: Why don't we like add Fleur's Point of View? I mean it'd be completely boring if we took Harry's Point Of View for the whole story. So I was wondering if we could use Fleur's point of view in chapter Fifty? And if you like it I can occasionally add a chapter with Fleur's point of view? What to you think about it? Let me know, quick!

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