Chapter Eighty Five: Vanishing Doubts

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"Hey Harry, you should get ready. We're going to leave for Diagon Alley in a few moments."

Harry looked up from his unfinished homework to stare at James, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Huh?" He asked, staring at his friend blankly. "What did you just say?" 

James sighed, walking forwards to sit beside him. "What's wrong?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Wrong?" Harry demanded, shifting uncomfortable. "Nothing's wrong. I'm fine." 

James leaned forwards to put a hand on Harry's shoulder, squeezing it comfortably. "I know something's wrong, but you don't have to tell me. Since the last few days, you've been extremely distracted and worried. You didn't even come to breakfast this morning. This is not like you Harry, you're always ready for social meetings."

Harry opened his mouth to speak, but James cut him off.

"No, no," He spoke, shaking his head. "Don't speak something you don't want to. I just want you to know that if you need someone to talk to or just need company, then I'm there. We're all there. I'm not speaking this all on my behalf. But on Lily's, Remus's, Sirius's and everyone else. They've all been noticing that something's off with you. Don't worry Harry, whatever happens, we're all with you."

Harry stared at his father who didn't know he was his father for a few seconds, before sighing. "I-Its something to do with my parents," He said, choosing his next words carefully. At least it wasn't a lie. "They're-um-the reason I came to here," back in time, he added in his head.

James nodded understandingly, patting his shoulder. "Cheer up, everything's going to be fine. Tomorrow's Christmas, you don't want to spoil the Christmas spirit."

Harry smiled. Looking at James's concerned face right now, he understood what Sirius in the future had meant when he'd said that James was the best friend he could've ever had. All the doubts he'd had about his father-the fact that he was a bullying toerag, or that he was an arrogant and selfish person-vanished from his mind.

In all the months he'd spent with James, Harry had begun to understand more and more of his father's story. James was a little arrogant, true. But on the other hand, he was kind, caring, selfless and many other things people often missed to see. He'd been with Harry in every single thing, never leaving his side.

James was a little cocky, but the most loyal person you could've ever met. Proved so by the fact that he'd stayed by Remus's side even though he were a werewolf. He liked to show off, true. But on the other hand, he would never reveal your secrets, even if it meant giving up his own life.  

James Potter might be a little cocky and arrogant, but he was, no doubt, one of the best people Harry had ever known.

Harry was glad that he had him as his father, even though James didn't know him as his son.

"So," He said, breaking away from his thoughts. "You were saying something about Diagon Alley?"

"Oh yeah," James smacked his head, laughing. "I totally forgot. We're going to Diagon Alley right now."

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

James stared at him blankly.

"To buy Christmas presents, of course."     

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