Chapter Forty Four: Nice work Harry

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As soon as the words left Harry's mouth, Fleur became as stiff as a stick.

"W-What about it?" She demanded, sweat trickling down her forehead. 

Harry shrugged. "Anything. Your mum, dad, family, friends etc" He said.

Fleur pursued her lips. "What about my family?" She asked, seeming nervous. 

"Er-your mum?" Harry suggested, asking her the first thing which came to his mind.

Fleur sighed. "My mum was a Veela" She said, not looking at Harry.

"I knew that" Harry reminded her. But then he continued, "Wait she was?"

Fleur nodded, tears brimming in her eyes. "Yeah she was" She murmured.

Great, now I've made her cry not once but twice. Nice work Harry.

"I-er-don't cry" Harry said, reaching forwards and touching her cheek. He knew how miserable and stupid it felt if someone said 'I'm sorry about your parents' Knew that it would do no good if he said 'I'm sorry about your mum Fleur' Simply because it felt stupid. Like saying 'Hey I watched your game but I ain't a fan of yours. Go to hell' The people who usually said 'I'm sorry' didn't really mean it. And nobody liked to hear anything which a person doesn't 'mean'

Fleur nodded. "Yeah, its-I'm sorry" She muttered, wiping away her tears.

Harry took his hand back. "You want to talk about it?" He asked softly, careful not to push her any further.

Fleur shook her head. "Nah, I'm-I'm okay" She said in a reassuring tone. "I don't talk about my family much" She added.

Harry nodded. He didn't really talk about his parents very much either. Simply because he couldn't. It felt kind of weird. 

"Sure, er-let's have the Butterbeer" Harry motioned towards the two cups of Butterbeer which Aberforth Dumbledore had delivered between their talks.

Fleur sighed. "Yeah" She mumbled, taking a glass. Harry followed her lead.

They sat in silence for a couple of minuets, just having sips of their drinks and sneaking looks at each other before Fleur decided to speak up.

"So-er-about my past" She reminded him.

Harry looked up at her in surprise. "You still want to talk about it?" He demanded, raising an eyebrow.

Fleur nodded. "Yeah, I mean if you want to" She shrugged, giving him an idea that she wanted to.

Harry nodded. "Yeah I mean if you're comfortable with it" 

Fleur smiled. "Yes Harry I'm comfortable with it" She paused as if a light bulb had appeared above her head and looked at Harry.

"Hey, why don't we play three questions?"  

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