Chapter Sixty Four: Home

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"There he is! James, my boy!"

A man probably in his late forties rushed forwards to embrace James in a bear hug. "I've missed you so much son" He said, pulling back to look at James with a twinkle in his eyes.

James grinned. "I've missed you more, dad" He said.

"Oh let my son breathe Charlus" An elderly women who also seemed to be in her late forties said. "Do not squeeze the air out of him" She added, smiling.

James smirked, walking forwards to embrace his mother in a hug. "Hello mum" He greeted, a twinkle in his hazel eyes.

The woman, Harry's grandmother, smiled and ruffled her son's jet black hair. "Hello son" She said, grinning.

Harry gasped.

The woman looked exactly like James. Well, a female version of him anyways. She had long, jet black hair and hazel eyes, which were sparking with amusement.

Harry wondered what her name was?

"Hello, Aunt Dorea" Sirius said, grinning. "How do you do?" 

Dorea smiled. "Ah, hello dear nephew" She said, rushing forwards to embrace him.

Someone squeezed his hand. 

Harry looked sideways to find Fleur staring at him, an encouraging smile plastered across her face. "It's okay Harry" She whispered, so low that Harry had to struggle to make out the words. "You need to relax" 

Harry closed his eyes, counting up till three, before opening them and hearing someone speak.

"Meet my new friends" It was James. He walked around towards Harry with a permanent grin plastered across his face. "This is Harry. Harry Potter"

Harry forced a smile upon his face, his heart thudding very audibly in his chest. "I-Its a pleasure to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Potter" He greeted the elderly couple, feeling awkward to call his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. 

Charlus Potter smiled at Harry. "So this is the infamous Harry Potter who has been mentioned in all of my son's letters to me and my dear wife? You also share our surname, how wonderful!" He exclaimed, grinning. "Also, please call me Charlus"

Dorea Potter nodded in agreement. "That's right" She said, walking forward and hugging Harry casually. "You do seem like a wonderful person"

Harry blushed, looking away. "T-thank you" He stammered, hoping that the limelight would get away from him.

It did.

James went on to introduce all of his friends, including the Topfers, Lily and Fleur.

And after what felt like hours, Dorea interrupted James and said that they all needed to head back home for freshening up and getting ready for the Welcome-Home dinner.

"All right" James said, grabbing Harry's hand and ushering him ahead. "Lets go home. We'll talk there" He paused, before turning towards him and grinning. "Right?"

Harry smiled.

"Right. Lets go home"      

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