Chapter Forty Two: Aberforth Dumbledore

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"Why the Hog's Head?" Harry frowned and casted Fleur a questioning look.

She shrugged. "Partially because it's owned by my Uncle"

"And partially because?"  Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"And partially because we can have some personal time and talk about stuff. Its not crowded like the other places you see"  She explained, waving at an old man with a shaggy beard and settling down on one of the tables. "C'mon Harry" She said and motioned towards an empty chair.

Harry settled down immediately. "Your Uncle?" Harry questioned.

Fleur nodded. "Aberforth Dumbledore, Bartender of the Hog's Head. Also the brother of Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts" She grinned at Harry. "Howz it?" She asked. 

Harry chuckled. "Cool" He said.

But in truth, he couldn't quiet understand why Dumbledore hadn't told him of his brother Aberforth Dumbledore who ran the Hog's Head and made a mental note to ask him once he went back in his own time.

Back in his own time, Harry shuddered to even think about it.

"Two Butterbears?" Fleur asked, snapping Harry out of his thoughts.

He nodded. "Yeah, Two Butterbears" He agreed.

She grinned and turned towards a man who had appeared beside Harry without him noticing. "Hey Uncle Aberforth" She smiled at the man. 

Aberforth pretended to grunt. "Back again?" He asked.

Fleur smirked. "I'm never lettin you live" She said, winking.

Aberforth snorted. "Like your filthy father" He muttered, rolling his eyes.

Fleur stuck out her tongue. "You're just jealous" She says.

"Jealous of what?" Aberforth demanded.

Fleur shrugged. "Jealous that I'm-you know Albus's daughter and not yours. After all, who doesn't want an awesome daughter like me?" She pretended to flick her hair back in a stylish manner.

Aberforth rolled his eyes. "I'm not jealous of nothing" He declared. "Not of that brother of mine at at least"

Fleur sighed. "You love him" She said. 

"No I don't! And I absolutely don't love you either!" He growled.

Fleur pouted. "Really? Well then I suppose I should stop coming he-"

"NO!" Aberforth cut Fleur off. "I mean yes it'd be good to have you get lost, but well-" He trailed off.

Fleur frowned. "You mean you want me gone? Okay-Lets goNO! I mean I-er-don't want you gone" He shrugged.

Fleur's frown deepened. "And...?" She asks.

"....And I love you daughter of that Albus" 

Fleur grinned. "Seriously Uncle Aberforth?" She questions.

Aberfoth rolled his eyes. "I ain't gonna repeat that" He snapped. "Also, what do you two want?"

"Two butterbears" Harry speaks automatically.

Aberforth grunted and walked back towards his counter muttering something like 'Shouldn't have said that...'

Harry turned towards Fleur immediately. "What was that?" He exclaimed, motioning towards Aberforth. 

Fleur smiled. "Oh He loves me, he really does. He's just mad" She explained.


Fleur nodded. "I've not been visiting him for the past weeks. So he's mad at me for that"

"Hmm.." Harry mumbled.

Suddenly Fleur settled herself on her chair in a more business like manner and turns towards Harry. 

"Now, about your past"      

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