Chapter Forty Five: Three Questions

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Harry wanted to murder the person who created "Three Questions" But again he couldn't, because he was the one who created it. 

He really wasn't in the mood to play the game and be forced to answer all the questions Fleur asked. He knew that he could lie, but that would be like breaking Fleur's trust and he didn't want to do that either.

On the other hand, playing the game might make Fleur happy. And that was his first priority right now. Mainly because he was the one who had made her cry, and he wanted to be the person who made her smile.

So without having any more arguments with himself, he looked up and Fleur and smiled. "Okay" He agreed.

Fleur grinned. She stood up from her seat and leaned down to kiss Harry on the cheek. "Merci bien Harry!" She said in French, which probably meant 'Thank You Very Much Harry' 

Someone a few meters away coughed very audibly. "-And kissing is not allowed" Aberforth Dumbledore said, giving Harry 'The Evil Eye'

Fleur rolled her eyes. "Don't mind my uncle" She mumbled, switching back to English.

Harry smiled. "As you say" Then he leaned forwards and kissed Fleur on the cheek to annoy Aberforth. The old man grunted, glaring at the two of them before returning to do whatever work he was doing.

Fleur chuckled, settling down on her seat. "You meet my first family member other my father and you already make enemies" She said, rolling her eyes.

Harry shrugged. "I love making enemies. Its my habit" He replied, grinning at Fleur.

She shook her head. "Whatever" Fleur muttered, putting a strand of hair behind her ear. "So Harry, you'd like to go first?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

Harry shrugged. "As you wish" He muttered, only to be polite.

Fleur smiled. "You go first" She said. 

Harry paused, thinking of a question he could ask her. Then he opened his mouth and asked the first one which came to his mind, "Your birth year?"

Fleur stared at him as though her were mad. "From the million questions you could as me, you ask whats my birthday?" She exclaimed, shaking her head. 

Harry blushed. "Sorry, I''m not very good at asking questions"

Fleur smiled. "You sure you want to know it?" She asked softly.

Harry nodded. "Just to make sure you're not older then me"

Fleur looked at him for a moment and then closed her eyes. "Okay" She mumbled to herself, "I've got to say it now"

"Ummm...Fleur?" Harry asked awkwardly, not knowing what else to do.

Fleur opened her eyes and smiled.


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