Chapter Nineteen

47 19 43

..."book, is libro... Cloth is Pano... "

"No, Paño... "

"Paño.. "

"Aha... Bien" (Aha...good)

"Library is Biblioteca"

"Presenrante en Español" (Introduce yourself in Spanish)

"Mi nombre es Maya Anderson. Estaré hablando de La tortilla. Un hermoso Plato hecho en casa se prepara Espoña. " (My name is Maya Anderson. I will be talking about the Tortilla a beautiful home made dish prepares in Spain)

"Maravilloso... Continua." (Wonderful.. Continue)

"Para Preparar..

Mezole La sal de harina yiel polvo de hornear juntos Un tazón para mezclear;
Mezde La monteca con los dedos hasta que la harina se parezca a la harina de maiz.

Precaliente una sartén grande a fuego medio alto. Use un rodillo de amasalt bien enharinado para hacer rodur una bola de masa hasta formar una tortilla redonda Delgada.

(To prepare

Whisk the flour, salt and baking powder together in a mixing bowl. Mix in the lard with your fingers until the flour resembles corn meal,

Pre heat a large skillet over medium high heat. Use a well floured rolling pin to roll a dough ball into a thin round tortilla.. )

"Hello.. I'm back home!" Tess announced pushing through the wooden framework that stood as the door. "Seems like someone has been bonding well."

"Yes we have... Your Nona is awesome.. "

Initially, I wanted to leave, Just disappear from the impending horror... But after few minutes, I realized they weren't So bad actually. They understood each other and get along quite well.. Not something I can say usually happens in my family..

Nona taught me some songs, her voice.. Resounding!! but the song was fun... I prepared the Tortillas my self! and learned how to do it within minutes... It was a wonderful experience after all..


Daniel arrived at the Texas football academy. It took him at most two hours to get there... He had been with the Coach and since his dad was always busy, the Coach stood in.. They left with the plane.. It was faster that way so did the coach suggest.

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