Chapter Six

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Author's Note

Oh forget it! Let's go on to the story, shall we? 

Freed POV

As soon as Mira re-entered the guild after Laxus's lame confession, I grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the guild again. She struggled against my grip and looked at me in confusion and pain. It would have broken my heart to see her face like that, directed at me, but my heart was already shattered, so it didn't matter. 

Mira POV

"What the-? Freed? What are you doing!" I yelped. I could've turned into my demon form, but I didn't want to hurt him.  So I let him drag me to the barn, crying out a little in pain, because of his iron grasp on my arm. When he finally stopped, we were in the nearby forest behind the guild. He shoved me against a tree and stared at me for a bit. Feeling uncomfortable under his gaze, I squirmed under his arms. "Freed, why did you bring me here? If you wanted to talk, you could've just aske-" I was cut off with his lips on mine. He bit my bottom lip roughly and pulled back after a bit. I kinda wished he didn't. It was sorta hot, I mean. I flushed as he once again stared at me. "Freed, what's going on? What was that?" I blurted out. 

"Why? Why is it always him? I don't understand. I love you Mira! I've loved you for so long! Much longer than Laxus. So why does he get your attention! Why do you only look at him! I'm right here. Have you forgotten about me? Do you like manly guys? I would change myself for you! I would do anything! For you to even just glance at me! Why?" He yelled, while I gaped at him in shock. 

"Freed, I... I mean I didn't know-"

"To hell with that! I know you knew I loved you!" He shrieked.

"Freed, I am really confused about my feelings, okay, just, give me some time!" I mumbled.

He nodded, and looked guilty."I'm sorry for doing all that stuff and y-y-you know... k-k-kissing you..." He stammered, while blushing. I giggled and hugged him. This is the Freed I know. "But seriously, Mira, I'm nnot giving up on you. If it means I will have to fight Laxus everyday, so be it. I will win you over." I bit my lip. I liked Freed, but I don't know if I love him. I shifted against his embrace and smiled at him. "I have to go back to the bar now. But see you later, kay?" I said, then fled that forest. When I got back into the guild I leaned against the bar's wall and sighed. Then I decided to polish some glasses, while thinking about the guys. Kinana, sweet girl, asked me if I was okay, and told me she'd cover my shift. Since she'd covered me so many times this week, I gave her some gossip about Cobra and tickets to the amusement park nearby. She was so happy! She hugged me a million times and was so enthusiastic about that poison dragon slayer. "Eric!" She blubbered excitiedly. I couldn't help but smile at her. She was so in love! I remembered how I wanted to go home and left. While walking to the house, I could feel someone following me. 

"Who's there?" I shouted, turning around. A small bunny scampered away from me in fear. It had vanilla white fur, and adorable floppy black ears! So kawaii~Feeling bad for scaring it, I pulled an apple from my bag. The bunny hopped over cautiously and sniffed the fruit. It didn't seem to want to eat it. I scooped the little thing into my arms and cuddled it. It snuggled into me and fell asleep. Aw! Suddenly something scratched my arm. I realized the bunny had a collar (But who puts collars on bunnies lol)! It said 'Anemone. Owner-Mirajane Strauss'. How sweet! I bet it was Freed. Suddenly, somebody back-hugged me! I was so surprised I almost dropped Anemone. 

"Do you like her?" Laxus rasped, still hugging me. I shoved him away from me as my face heated up. 

"L-Laxus! What were you doing, creeping up on me like that?" I snapped angrily, crossing my arms over my chest. I tried to keep up my furious facade but was actually really touched. He got me Anemone? That was nice of him. His shoulders sunk a bit, and I felt a little bit bad, so I just mumbled "She's adorable. Thank you, Laxus." His shoulders lifted and he smirked. 

"I knew you would like her. So there's a flower fair in the next town over. Wanna come with me?" He grinned, words full of hope. It's true that I really wanted to go to the flower fair (It was supposed to have the best parade ever!), and that I didn't have any plans, but I still muttered only 'maybe'. He frowned at me. "Mira, I know you aren't doing anything. And I know you really want to go to the fair. I heard you squealing about it with Lucy before. Please come!" He used his sad puppy dog eyes on me and I finally gave in. 

"Fine. But only because of the parade." His smile wavered and he shot a 'see you tommorow' and a smirk my way before sauntering away. I rushed back to the house and started planning my oiutfit excitedly. I stopped abruptly when I remembered Freed. Oh no! Isn't tommorow a date? I didn't even give Freed my answer yet! But I also remembered what Laxus had done to me. A small date isn't enough to show that he will be faithful. It's not really a date, then. I decided. Just a hanging out. Still, I couldn't help but be a little excited.

Author's Note

So, I wanted everyone to know that the name 'Anemone' is also the name of a flower. 'Anemone flower is brimming with the spirit of anticipation, something dear to your heart that you dream of. The message of the Anemone is to relax and enjoy the sweet nectar of anticipation, knowing that your wish will come to you at the right tim.' I saw this on check it out!! I originally didn't make it the bunny, I just made it flowers, but I decided to edit it. Laxus knows the meaning of the flowers. So romantic! lol, yes I am one of those crazy romantics. Anyways, see you in the next chapter. 

P.S I'm going to start 2 new ft fanfics soon. A gruvia, and a gruvia~gale one. 

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