Chapter Five

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Author's Note!

Sorry, everyone! I was going to update yesterday but I saw the GaLe canon and I spent the rest of the day screaming and crying about the GaLe babies that will come soon! Tehehe! On to the story!

Laxus POV (First time writing from a dudes point of view, don't judge)

.......... I am completely speechless. A good kind of speechless, a bad kind of speechless, that I wasn't too sure about. I'm pretty pissed about how Mira beat me up in  front of the guild. Why didn't I use my magic? Why didn't I try to intimdate her? I guess I felt guilty. Wait- wuhhh? I feel guilty?! This is fucking confusing! But I know I shouldn't have done all that to Mira. I think she actually lik-no, she loved me. Obviously not anymore. And I- I-I loved her back. Now it's too late. I promised myself that I would at least try to apoligize to her. Probably won't happen without me yelling at her for no reason because my goddamn pride. While my thoughts were still arranging themselves, I noticed Cana dragging herself to me. She stood in front of me. We both noticed the sneers and scoffs whispered because of this. In fact, as soon as I walked into the guild, it went silent. All the guys were glaring at me. And Levy walked up to me, and elbowed me in the gut. It actually hurt! I don't blame her, after calling her a weakling, nearly killing her, and now hurting her friend. I sighed. 

"-xus! Laxus! Helloooooo?" Cana yelled, poking my face. 

"What," I grumped.

"Laxus, as I was saying, I really think we should end this. Whatever our relationship was. I don't even know! But Mira, she, I just feel really bad, ok? And Lucy and Juvia aren't even looking at me. B-Bacchus, too. " Her voice cracked. I nodded, but didn't comfort her. If I even touched her, the whole guild probably wouldn't even talk to me for infinity. She walked away. I didn't even feel sad or anything. I just felt, empty. And seeing Mira and Freed walk into the guild draped over each other didn't help. They had a protective bubble of people around them. Lisanna, Elfman, and Lucy, all walking around the two like bodyguards. When they came in, everyone stared at them, not knowing how to react. Everyone knew the full story (word travels fast here), but nobody actually knew what to do, except for some of the girls who ran to join the bubble. Freed had his arm wrapped around her. I felt my fist tighten. I was about to walk out of the guild for some fresh air until I was interrupted by a stern voice.

"Laxus. Sit down." I didn't, because I recognized this voice and didn't have time for her crap. When I didn't, a metal clad shoved me back down. "You are such a coward. You are going to run away? I know you love her. I also know that you want to apoligize. You have no reason to be afraid, You yourself should know that Mira would forgive you if you tried hard enough. She loves you. However, if you are to cowardly to make a move Freed will steal her. He loves her. She loves him, to-" I grabbed her collar and pulled my fist back threatenanly. 

"Don't make me!" I growled, "That's enough! Don't give me all this crap. she will never forgive me!" 

Erza looked at me, unfazed. "I know you won't do it. You are too much of a coward to even hit me. So shut up, Laxus! You act like you are all tough, but everyone knows you aren't. I know you feel guilty."

"Oh yeah? I'm too much of a coward to hit you? That will never be the case. " I threw my fist at her, but she stopped it with her left hand, and shoved me back into my seat with her right. 

"That was weak! C'mon, come at me!" She barked. By this time, everyone had heard her and gasped. Erza, picking a fight? I saw someone faint at the corner of my eye. 

"Fine, you wanna fight? Then you get a fight!" I roared. I knew she was only doing this so I could take out my guilt on beating her up. 'You're willing to use yourself as a human punching bag just to help me understand my emotions?' I thought, slightly stunned. I was about to hit her with my lighting bolts when someone blocked her. Mira. She looked at me, hurt, pain, and anger in her eyes. She was about to speak when a tiny figure beat her to it.

"LAXUS! MIRAJANE! ERZA! MY OFFICE, NOW!" the old man howled. Mira closed her mouth and we all trooped up to the room in silence, ignoring the gasps of our fellow guildmates. When we were all in that stupid room, he punched each of us on the face with his damn enlarged fist. I swore at him, and Mira and Erza yelped. 

He then walked back in front of me. "I know that you love Mira, and that you only acted that cruel because you loved her and didn't understand your feelings for her, since it was your first time experiencing them." I felt Mira stiffen in surprise next to me and I flinched. "That is why I punched you."

He moved on to Mira. "I punched you because I had to. Even though I agree to what you did, I don't think I would be able to live with myself if I let one of my brats hurt  another seriously,  which is exactly what you did."

Then was Erza. "You were punched because you were about to let yourself become a human sacrifice just to help the dumbass realize his feelings. " 

"That is all. Laxus, Erza, please leave! Mira, stay here, I have a favor to ask you. " What the hell? What was he going to ask her. I glanced in her direction, and she was staring at me tearfully. I jerked back in surprise, but then left. 

Mira POV

Laxus... I can't believe he really loved me! I am so happy! Wait, should I be? I was so mean to him! I felt slightly bad for beating him up. 

"Mira! Hellooooo? I just wanted to ask you one thing. " I snapped to attention, and chirped a 'hai'. "I just wanted to ask you if you could ever forgive Laxus. I ask this as his grandparent. I know he loves you very much. He just doesn't understand his feelings. So please help him!" Master said, before bowing to me. I giggled,  Master really loves Laxus, doesn't he?

"OK,  fine. But if he hurts me, again, there will be no third chance." I muttered. He smiled at me and sang "Victory! Booze!" I sweatdropped and left. I headed to Laxus, who was sitting at the bar. He saw me coming and... BLUSHED? I HAVE WITNESSED THIS OH MY MAVIS THIS IS A MOMENT IN MY LIFE I WON'T FORGET. Anyways, I walked towards him.

"Can we talk , Laxus?" He nodded, and we walked outside. I took a deep breathe of the fresh air. 

"Look, Mira, I'm sorry. I really, really do like you. And I know you probably won't forgive me. But at least consider it. " He babbled, his face turning increasingly red. What's with this guy? One second he's all tough and foreboding, and now he's a little lamb? I almost smiled at his cuteness, but remembered what he did to me. 

"I forgive you. But don't get any crazy ideas. I am not your girlfriend. You are not my friend. Got it?" I scowled at him. He grinned. I felt something flutter in my heart. You still love him.. My counscience whispered. I pushed it away. Then I walked off, and even though I didn't have dragon hearing, I could still pick up what he said after that. 

"I will win you over, Mira. And I'm going to take you back as my girlfriend, and this time be true to you." I smiled. I'm rooting for you, Laxus.

Author's Note

Hai! Poor Freed! What's he gon do! Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed that chapter! I am in such a good mood! I auditioned for this orchestra group yesterday and I got in! Woop! Also, does anyone actually read Authors Notes? I do, when I read. If you do, comment your reaction to finding out GaLe went canon! I'd love to hear it! For me, (I was in the car when I heard) I just started screaming and mumbling stuff bout the couple! My dad thought I was sick T__T lol, but yosh! See you soon!

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