The New Sexy Boys...Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

~*Jordans POV*~

"What the hell?! Its not what you think!" Xavie was yelling. Devon had his hands on his ears and was 'lalala-ing'.

"I saw what i saw, Xav! So did Trixie, Trevor and Jordan!" Devon said. The door knocked and i went to open it. Pierce and Saige were here.

"Hey! What happened?" Pierce was panting, and Saige looked frightened.

"Nothing Pierce! Just go! All of you, its NOT a BIG deal!" Xavier yelled. G-man, Trevor, and i sat down on the couch and watched. Trixie shook her head and sat down with Saige. Pierce looked at me.

"Whats going on, you all scared the hell out of me!" He said. Devon growled.

"I'll tell you! Trevor, Jordan, Trixie and i were playing videogames, and Xavier was in his room studying with G-man. They were very quiet so we all decided to throw a water balloon at them. When we crept in, we find them making out!" Devon yelled and Pierce gasped.

"No we were NOT! G-man kissed me! I didnt kiss him!" Xavier was yelling and G-man snorted silently. I smirked and looked back at the action.

"Woah, Xav! Are you gay?!" Pierce asked. Xavier groaned.

"No! I like girls! I should know, Pierce! Stop making this a big deal! Girls kiss girls all the time and no one calls them gay!" Xavier said,

"Thats cause girls that kiss are hot. Not guys!" Trevor laughed. Trixie shook her head.

"Calm down, Dev. Its not a big deal. Even if Xavier was gay, its his choice." Trixie said and Xavier shook his head.

"But im not gay! Im not! I like girls!" Xavier shouted.

"You were kinda kissing G-man back, Xavier..." i trailed and we all looked at G-man who didnt seem embarassed or uncomfortable.

"Did he?" Saige asked G-man.

"If you all didnt walk in, it would have gotten heavy. He did kiss back for a slight second." G-man said and everyone "oooh-ed". Xavier blushed and shook his head.

"Facts dont lie, Xav! You kissed G-man!" Devon yelled. Devon seemed VERY upset by this...

"So what? It was an accident! I! Like! Girls!" Xavier said, and i think his voice broke.

"Ok, you do." Pierce said. "But you might like guys too. Maybe youre bi, Xavier."

"No, im not. I dont like guys!" Xavier said, and i stood up.

"Enough of this. Mom will be home soon. Devon, go shower and cool down. Trevor, Gman and Pierce, lets play Halo. Saige and Trixie go gossip or giggle with Desi, upstairs. Xavier, you can play too, or sit and think." i said, playing the fatherly role. Devon growled and marched forcefully upstairs.

Pierce and the boys attacked the gaming system and got it started while Saige and Trixie shook their heads and started talking. Xavier looked on the verge of crying, but he just sat and stared at nothing in particular.

Xavier is bi? Our big and tough and manly Xavier? Wow...i mean, i have no problem with it, but its a shocker. Pierce kept sneaking looks at Saige, who winked or blushed. Uh oh...

"So im guessing there was some magic in Saige's bed..." Trevor beat me to it.

"What?" Saige asked, and G-man smirked.

"He said that you and Pierce got it on, today. Pierce lost his virginity, right?" He asked.

"Yeah, i did." Pierce said and Trixie, Gman, Trevor and i clapped. Saige laughed and Xavier raised an eyebrow.

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