The New Sexy Boys in Town are Virgins? Chapter 7

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Hey guys:) sorry for the wait on this:)

I sent a message, but im announcing that my new editor is: blackheart227

Thanks to all of you who offered to help, and please dont be upset if you werent picked.


Chapter 7

Edited and Proofread by: Blackheart227

~*Pierce's POV*~

Today is the day we bring our women home. I asked mom about Suzi and she said I can invite her as well, even though she's my best friend.

Devon said he invited some girl named Trixie, but Xave and Jordan don't have anyone. I think Xavier might be gay...I was talking with Sean yesterday and he said it was possible.

Jordan's just being picky. He doesn't like hot girls apparently, he likes Kiara. She's pretty, but she's 23! Honestly dude!

It suddenly popped in my head that I had to tell Saige something. I grabbed my cell as I sat on my bed and called her.

"Hello?" she answered sleepily.

"Hey Saige, it's Pierce."

"Oh hey babe, what's up? I'll be at your place in an hour."

"Mmk, I forgot to say that maybe you should wear something..."

"Soemthing your mom would approve of?" she chuckled

"Yeah." I said and she laughed.

"It's ok Pierce. I'll find something to wear and make myself look amazing to your mom."

"Shouldn't be too hard for you to look amazing." I said and Saige giggled.

"Thanks babe. I should get ready, see you soon! Bye"

"Bye babe." I smiled and hung up. I really like Saige. She's perfect for me! I wouldn't mind losing my virginity to her at all.

"Pierce you up?" Devon asked as he woke up.

"Yeah. We have to get ready. Moms probably downstairs staring at the door." Devon laughed and nodded. I got dressed in a tight Aero shirt and those boy below-the-knee-jean-shorts.

Devon got in a t-shirt with ";)" written on it and some jeans. He stretched and grabbed his cell.

"So the emo chick is comin'?" he asked me.

"She is not emo! And even if she was, she has a name. Suzi should be here soon." I said.

"Whatever Pierce. SUZI, is cute and all, but Saige is better for you."

"I'm not with Suzi! She's just my friend. I'm with Saige."

"Wait, you coupled with her?"

"No, but I'll ask her today." I said and Devon smiled.

"I'm happy for you. She's hot, popular and a bit stubborn...but thats ok." he said and I patted his back.

"I hope you and Trixie hit off well." I said and he sighed dreamily.

"Me too." he said and we walked downstairs. I heard a familiar giggle..but it wasn't Saige or Suzi. As I reached the living room my jaw dropped when I saw who was talking with mom.

"Desi?!" Devon and I yelled. Desi Hawford is here?! In Illinois? Desi turned around and smiles at us.

"Hey Dev! Pierce!" she giggled and hugged us.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I asked and she smiled.

"Well, mom said I could have my break now from homeschooling, and your mom said I could come here! So here I am!" she said and I scanned her over.

The New Sexy Boys in Town are Virgins?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant