The New Sexy Boys in Town are Virgins? Chapter 8

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Here u guys go:) im glad u liked the interview, lol:)


Chapter 8

Edited by: blackheart227

~*Jordan's POV*~

At 6:15pm, we were ready. I wore a red polo and dark jean capri pants. My hair wasn't messy or neat...just usual.

Xavier had a red t-shirt, black leather jacket, and dark jeans. He gelled his short hair and made it look a bit formal, but good enough for a party.

Pierce was in a red dress shirt, but it wasn't tucked in and it was wrinkled a bit on purpose, to look less formal. He also had on dark jeans and he oiled his hair to make it sparkle and shine.

Devon was in a striped red polo, dark three-quarter jeans, and had a thin silver necklace.What a coincidence that we all matched! Red shirts and dark pants.

Once we were ready, we went downstairs and saw Desi. She was in a coral pink top with mid-length sleeves, a grass green knee-length skirt, and pink flat shoes. Her long hair was down and she had a green headband on.

She looked nice...but a 6th grade nice. Like a 'cute' nice. Not a 11th grade party nice.

"You all look great!" Desi said when she saw us.

"I know." Devon smirked and Desi laughed.

"Yeah, you were always conceited." She said.

"Well, we should go now. We'll be there around 6:30. C'mon." Xavier said and we all piled into Mom's car. We can all drive, but Xavier is the safest driver. I tend to daydream while driving and Pierce and Devon are too reckless.

As we rode, Desi rambled on about her family and Wisconsin.

"Murial talks about you guys constantly. I think she likes Jordan. Mom said I'm stayin here for a while, so I can go to your school with you guys! I'll get to meet all your friends, and see your classes! It'll be soooo fun! I can't wait to see everyone at the party. I'll see how Illinois people dress. I can't believe Pierce likes those girls. Saige is an absolute sl*t, and Suzi needs to talk more."

"Can we please not bag on my girls?" Pierce groaned and I nodded.

"I'm tired of hearing about girls in general. Subject change."

"But what was up with Saige?" Desi asked.

"Suzi told me it has something to do with Trevor." Devon said.

"New subject!" I said again.

"Maybe we should talk about G-man. I hear he's gay." Devon said.

"He is." Xavier said. "Thats what the 'G' stands for."

"Really?! Wow...whats his real name?" I asked.

"He won't tell." Xavier sighed. "But he thought I was gay."

"Haha, very funny Xavier. I know your straight. You kissed me remember?" Desi smiled. I rolled my eyes and Pierce nudged me and rolled his. I smiled.

When we got to Trevor's house, the place was literally booming. Music was pounding and people were dancing and drinking. We've never been to a party like this before, so my brothers, Desi and I were overwhelmed.

First thing I noticed were the girls. They were all in small skirts, tiny tops, and makeup.

"SUZI?!" I heard Pierce yell. I looked at him and saw him staring at...Suzi? No way! This girl wasn't Suzi!

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