She had seen Lexa fight before in the middle of a battle hacking down Azgeda warriors like they were twigs. But Ontari wasn't just any Azgeda warrior. Neither Lexa or Clarke had even met her before, never mind seen her fight. For all Clarke knew, she could be just as ruthless and vicious as the commander herself. Clarke's heart beat tripled as she saw Ontari step into the arena across from Lexa, sharing a matching smirk with the Ice Queen.

Titus laced his fingers together tightly as he watched, and everyone shuffled on their feet at the suspense of what was yet to come. Clarke took a deep breath. She had to believe in Lexa. She had to.

Both Ontari and Lexa approached each other, circled each other, eyes crawling and sizing up their opponent in search of their flaws and their advantages. On Ontari's half, all Clarke could see were flaws. And on Lexa's half... advantages. Lexa was taller, stronger, and more agile. Ontari looked to have no chance against the commander.

With one last glance behind her at the Ice Queen, Ontari was the first to attack. She lunged, teeth gritted with impure anger, raising her sword and swinging it with unrelenting speed. In one smooth movement, Lexa sidestepped, avoiding the whirling blade. Lexa would have to be quick; the other girl was fast. But Ontari also let her emotions cloud her judgement whilst fighting.

Ontari growled angrily and her attacks began to grow sloppy with the decrease of thought in which she put into them. That was, until she momentarily took Lexa by surprise sending a direct stab towards Lexa's prone chest. The commander only just managed to block Ontari's deadly stab resulting in a cut down her stomach as she slammed the other girl's blade away with her own.

Clarke clapped her hands over her mouth to stifle a gasp. Indra only chuckled from beside her.

"Why the hell are you laughing?" Clarke said, flinching as Ontari wouldn't stop attempting to deliver fatal blows on the commander, who blocked them with ease.

"Lexa is playing with her" Indra pointed out "she's getting a feel to Ontari's methods and letting her tire herself out. Watch."

Clarke frowned at Lexa. She looked so at ease, simply dodging swings and occasionally sidestepping or allowing her sword to clash with her opponent's. Behind them, Nia smirked with confidence.

"Something isn't right..." Clarke whispered to Indra "It looks like Nia doesn't even care.

Indra' eyes suddenly widened "Oh... shit..."

Something in the way Ontari fought suddenly snapped, and she spun with such elegance and speed to deliver a harsh kick straight to Lexa's face, knocking the commander off balance. She stumbled back, eyes wide and dazed with the blow. Ontari lunged with her sword once more, this time receiving a more delayed reaction from Lexa. The tip of her sword dug into her shoulder, causing Clarke to bite her lip. That armour would have definitely benefited her now.

With the smallest groan of pain escaping Lexa's lips, the braided brunette swung her sword. However, the blow had an acute fault due to the new injury in Lexa's shoulder. That fault allowed Ontari a chance which she took without hesitation. She ducked, dodging the blade and as she rose to her feet, jabbed Lexa in her shoulder with her elbow.

The sudden pain caused the commander's grip to loosen on the handle of her weapon, and the sound of her sword clattering against the ground rung in Clarke's ears. Ontari's kick sent it scuttling across the floor and away from Lexa's reach.

The commander was left defenceless.

Clarke impended over the risk of Lexa's downfall at that very moment. What if this was it? What if this was the moment where Lexa's reign finally came to an end with her death?

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