22. Did You Fall From A Shooting Star

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Chapter Twenty Two.

[ L I A M ' S P.O.V. ]

As soon as I was free from my last lecture, I walked back to my Hall and stood knocking on room number 52's door. I could've dropped my stuff in my room and changed but I don't know why I didn't. I just wanted see her soon.

After a few seconds, the door opened and Emma stood on the doorway nervously smiling at me. She'd changed into a fit and flare black dress that ended just above her knees. Her hair were still in a ponytail with her fringes falling freely. She attempted to tuck them behind her ear and cleared her throat.

"H-hi." I stuttered suddenly.

She giggled and opened the door wider for me to get in. I stepped inside and she closed the door behind her quietly.

"So, I assume you have something in your mind?" I asked her as I sat on the chair in front of her desk.

She squinted her eyes and frowned, thinking mockingly with a smile on her face. "Yeah... You could say that."

I tried to suppress my smile as I watched her. "Then maybe I should change as well since I'd be looking underdressed beside you."

"Do I look that overdressed?" She asked, a frown immediately showing up on her beautiful face. She was still standing where she stood when I walked in. Why is she so far away?

"No, no, I didn't mean that! You look... beautiful." I quickly replied. How can she be conscious about her looks? I've seen her wearing oversized tees and shorts, looking perfect, and she's conscious about wearing a dress? That's insane.

"But I, do, need to change to match your standards, my highness." I spoke in a very royal manner, making her chuckle at me.

"Alright. So, you go and change while I do something to fix my face." She told me.

"Trust me, Muffin, you don't need to put on anything." I smiled at her and stood up. She stared at me and then suddenly turned around. It seemed like she was trying to find a way to hide away from me by acting like she was looking for something in her drawer.

"So, uh, I'll be right back... Text me when you're done." I informed her while rubbing the back of my neck with one hand and another burried inside the pocket.

"Oh, okay." She turned around just a little to flash a smile before I headed out of the door and shut it behind me.

Why does she make me so nervous? And why do I use so many nicknames for her? Can't I just call her by her name 'Emma'? It's not that hard to spell.

But whenever I'm around her, I just blurt out things that even I don't know come from where. If I really mean them or not, I have no idea.

I unlocked my room and kept the backpack on the chair, starting to go through the clothes that I can wear.

She's wearing a dress that's not formal, nor is it party type. It can't really be considered casual either. God, it's hard to figure out the occasion through a girl's clothing.

I end up picking out a plain dark blue shirt with matching jacket and black jeans from my closet.

As I'm done wearing the shoes, my phone starts buzzing on the desk.

I pick it up to see Zayn calling me.

"Hey, man! What's up?" I greet him as soon as I receive the call and place it on my ear.

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