30: HOME

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A/N: Thank you so much for all the kind comments. You are all so considerate and thoughtful, and I appreciate that inevitably. I love you!

Louis, May 4th

It had taken us a full month to finally find curtains fitting and sufficient enough for our bedroom.

Harry wanted light ones, while I wanted dark. This was perhaps the only reason why it took us so long to decide, since it had taken a month to realise there was a way of compromising. A velvet, grey shade was selected, and both of us realised it had been better than the previous alternatives all along. It was light enough to wake Harry up in the morning, and dark enough for me to sleep in. Somehow.

"Louis?" my favourite voice called from downstairs somewhere as I skipped out of mine and Harry's closet while tugging the collar of a clean tee over my head, hair still wet from the shower I had just taken.

"Yeah?" I answered, stepping out in the hall of the second floor to reach the barricade of the staircase to hear him more clearly.

"Come down for a sec," Harry demanded, and according to my estimation of the distance in his voice, I assumed he was in the downstairs' living room.

Halfway down the staircase, I spotted him through the opening that formed an entrance way between the foyer and the living room. Harry was on the carpet with Julie in front of him, since we were babysitting. They had built a (perhaps) three feet tall tower out of Julie's multicoloured toy blocks. It almost reached over her head when she bounced up on her feet at the sight of me coming down.

"Uncle Louis!"

This had become my new nickname. Apparently, she had realised I wasn't actually a royal prince by the time I had moved in at Harry's place. Princes don't live in normal houses, had been her reasoning. But Harry, too, had always been royalty in her imagination, which was why it got confusing for her after a while. Nevertheless, it seemed that she was getting used to me having moved in.

"Can you take a picture of us with the tower?"

Once I had brought my phone out, Julie positioned right next to the piled cubes while Harry sat down on the other side, the two of them grinning toothily like the kids they both were. After the picture was taken, I sent it to Niall over iMessage and got a quick reply.

"Oh wow! Our babies!" the text said.

As soon as I settled down on the carpet to join them, sliding each leg on either side of Harry's while holding him from behind, Julie trashed the tower with a loud crash and burst into laughter thereafter. Her laughter had the same bubbly energy as her father's. To be fair, I was starting to recognise more and more qualities every time we babysat, which was pretty often now that we were both temporarily jobless.

All morning, Harry had played with the girl while I had stayed in bed for as long as I figured was acceptable when having someone over, even though it was only a five-year-old. Thankfully, my fiancé had respect for my lethargy, and he would almost always allow me access to my beauty sleep.

"G'morning," I whispered into Harry's ear as I hugged him from behind with my arms circled around his waist.

"Morning," Harry hummed back and relaxed his muscles so that his body was slack as it rested over mine. A kiss was added to his cheek, and his hands landed on top of mine at his waistband. Like that, he stroked my fingers with ease, fiddling with my engagement ring on the fourth finger. "How were the curtains?"

"Perfect," I concluded and snuggled into his neck, where Harry's stale, characteristic scent had lingered. "It was reasonably dark until ten, so I slept better. How about you?"

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