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A/N: Thank you for the support so far. You're all amazing.

Louis, October 31st

Mid-way through eating breakfast, I received an email from Niall Horan, which mainly consisted of a babysitting request for his daughter, since her day-care centre had closed for the day.

None of the people who would usually look after her were supposedly busy along with Niall and the mother. Niall's point was, Julie hadn't stopped talking about me over the past week, so he figured I was the best solution. It was also Halloween, which was why I almost sent a message of approval right away.

Obviously, I decided to do it.

Since Niall and Harry had moved out of their old flat, Niall sent me the address to his house and I typed it into my GPS. It took me ten minutes to find the right house, which had been described as "big and white with huge windows" in the gmail. Huge was certainly not an exaggeration. Those windows were so big that I wondered if his fans ever stalked him through them. Poor Julie.

It was the little girl that greeted me at the door after I'd rang the doorbell. She looked so happy that I almost thought she's mistaken me for somebody else. But then again, I was the prince, after all.

"Hey, kiddo!" I crooned, petting her head as she hung her arms around my thigh to hug my leg. "Good to see you again. Did you get bigger?" I joked.

"I love you, prince," she said, completely disregarding my sentences. Her nose was practically buried into the fabric of my jeans when she continued. "You're the best babysitter ever."

Niall had acknowledged our voices from afar and was therefore striding into the hallway-dressed in a suit and tie, all black-to greet me and exchange goodbyes with his daughter. We chatted for a bit and he let me in on the ground rules, such as "no eating food while on the white sofa", for instance.

He left shortly after.

"So," I started, holding her hand to walk with her into the kitchen. "What's your costume for tonight?"

Julie halted to look up at me. "I'm going trick-or-treating?"

"Of course!" I burst and began swaying our intertwined hands as we walked, soon enough reaching the untarnished and neatly polished kitchen island. I dumped my rucksack on the light, marmoreal tabletop. "What's Halloween without getting sweets?"

"But I'm only four and daddy doesn't want me to get lost," I heard her mumble glumly, ergo, I crouched down to give her a comforting hand on the little shoulder.

"Nobody's too young or old to go trick-or-treating. And you won't get lost, 'cause I'll be there to guide you. Only if you want to go, of course."

Her face had lit up. "You're dressing up?"

"Who do you think I am? The most boring babysitter in the world?" I piped. "Of course I'm dressing up, love. We're spending Halloween together."

Julie's smile had just burst its bubble. "I have a pumpkin costume that daddy bought me."

"Do ya?" I raised my brows. "That's nice. You should wear that, but it won't be as cool as my costume."

Her light eyes glowed with curiosity. "What is it?"

"That's a surprise," I teased her and booped her little nose, which made her giggle. "Are you hungry? We can order lunch if you want."

"No," she said, simply. "I wanna play with LEGO's."

In consequence, we spent about two hours building LEGO-houses, cars and questionable creatures, while Rihanna played in the Bluetooth speakers, which had the little girl swaying on her seat to the beat of the tune. She told me she had named each LEGO man after the children at her day-care centre, one in particular being her favourite and having the name of a cute boy she fancied, since a few weeks earlier.

Dream Writer (Sequel) » Larry AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin