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A/N: Most of these are from Louis' perspective, but that's because his thoughts are the most important for the plot, at the minute. Harry's point of view will be back towards the end of this chapter, though.

Louis, January 25th

From every direction, there was somebody chanting Harry's name.

Ahead of me, there was a group of girls reaching their hands out in my direction, waving posters and plain notes for me to sign. I doubted most of them knew who I was, since most people only paid attention to those who acted in the movie.

Though, these people seemed to recognise me from Harry's pap-pictures, or perhaps that selfie we posted on his Instagram five years ago, which Harry told me had been bombarded with comments throughout the years. There wasn't a hint of romance in the picture, but people had been speculating anyway. However, now that the paps were out, it was all confirmed.

Harry joined me signing, but obviously for a different reason. It was great to see him in that environment, since he really seemed to appreciate his fans' support.

It was time for us to proceed down the carpet, and I intertwined Harry's hand with mine, heard a choir of 'aws' from my left and lead my boyfriend forward while soothingly brushing my thumb over his own.

The interviews that followed thereafter were mostly focused on Kyle and Stephanie, and once they were over with, it was time for the audience to watch the movie for the first time. There was a wide, maroon curtain over the screen, and in front of it stood I and about one-third of the crew. Ryan presented the movie, credited me for its scripting and directing before I added a few comments of my own.

"First of all, I want to thank Ryan for giving me this platform. Stepping into his office five years ago, I had no idea I'd be standing on a stage like this today, and present my own movie in front of this many people."

There was a short pause where I searched for Harry in the audience and found him at the very end of row five, next to Niall, who had Julie balanced on his arm. Even though he was far away, and I could barely distinguish his facial features, I could tell that he was proud of me.

"There are a lot of other people who I could continue thanking, but I didn't rehearse this speech and I'm not willing to take up your time by trying to think of all of their names," I babbled, still looking at Harry while he-along with the crowd-chuckled at the wording. "So I'm gonna stick to only thanking my boss and boyfriend, and hope everyone else is okay with that. This wouldn't be happening if it wasn't for my partner, actually." We never broke eye-contact. "And I could go on for ages about that particular thing, but I know all of you are here to watch the movie, so I'm gonna stop."

It was then that we exited by ending our informal speeches and disappeared behind the curtain on the side. Backstage, I could hear the audience clapping and whistling while waiting for the film to start.

It was nerve-racking.

So seriously damaging that I sprinted off to the toilets and stayed there for the following forty minutes, when Kyle stormed in, presumably checked for my feet under the stalls and found my booth in no-time.

"Bro. What's going on with you?"

Since the remaining stalls were unoccupied, I figured I was free to talk about my issues without anyone eavesdropping and selling the story to some gossip magazine. Yeah, I needed none of that.

"What if Harry hates it?"

I heard a sigh through the wall. "Everyone is gonna love it, Louis. Why on earth would he hate that you made an entire romantic film for him? If Steph did that for me, I would consider it a huge gift."

Dream Writer (Sequel) » Larry AUWhere stories live. Discover now