10 - bonding;

108 7 12

Your POV

"Jungkook is still with that leech?" Yoongi asked, whilst driving.

Moments ago, I'd asked him to pick me up so that we could go for the bonding event. The other members were already there and it just so happens that Yoongi was leaving his home.

"Yeah. Updates are on Sayeon's instagram." I sighed. They looked like they had alot of fun yesterday.

"Aish.. if only that leech was hit instead.." Yoongi spat. I rolled my eyes.

"Believe me when I say I hate her, but wishing for her brain damage is abit too much, isn't it?" I said.

"Whatever you say. But seriously, the leech has to go. He was originally yours," Yoongi parked the car in the parking lot and assisted me out of the car.


"Y/N! You made it," Taehyung grinned as he handed me a drink. I looked at the drink weirdly.

"Don't worry, it's sparkling apple juice. Jungkook once told us before that you don't drink."

I smiled. "Thanks."

"No, you should know how to drink. I taught Jungkook how to chug an Irish Bomb, want me to teach you?" Yoongi was about to chug down a shot of Soju when I stopped him.

"Oppa, you're driving later! Don't!" I warned.

Just then, I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Jimin.

"Jungkook is here. Go talk to him!" He egged me on.

I sighed. "He's here alright.."

When Jungkook's and my eyes locked, he immediately rushed over to me. The rest of the members gave us space.

"Yah, didn't I call you last night to come style me? Now I don't even look so presentable..." He sulked.

"Call me? You don't even have my number! And you look fine." I said. He placed his hand on his chin and nodded.

"Oh yeah, that's right. I need to ask you something. Is this yours?" He pulled out my lighter from his pocket. I snatched it away.

"Yes, it's mine!" I yelled a little.

Jungkook smirked. "What, don't want anyone else to know that you smoke?"

"I don't smoke, okay! It was a birthday gift." I mumbled the last part.

"Man, Y/N I never knew you were like that. You even drink.." He scoffed.

"It's freakin' apple juice! APPLE JUICE!" I exasperatingly shrieked.

"Whatever you say."

I rolled my eyes. "Why do you resent me so much?"

"I found you dangerous. I almost called a mental hospital when you latched onto me." He snickered. "Were you drunk at the time?"

"No, it's because.. it's because.." I trailed off.


I gulped. He wouldn't believe me even if I told him he truth.

"Nevermind that."


Jungkook and I just resently talked about our flaws. Not bonding, but hey, baby steps.

All I need to do is to become close to him that he'd trust me.

"I never wanted to ask you, but you had a love life, am I right?" Jungkook suddenly popped.

"...I, yeah." I pursed my lips.

"What happened?" He suddenly became intrigued.

"I.. My boyfriend got into a car accident." I said. His face immediately changed into a softer look.

"Oh.. I'm sorry for your loss."

I remained silent. He's not dead. But his memories of me are.

"How was your date with Sayeon by the way?" I asked, trying to clear the air.

"Well, we did shopping.. shopping.. and more shopping.. and watched a movie." He said.

"And..?" I raised a brow, making him chuckle.

"We shopped more. And more. We shopped till we dropped." He took a sip of his drink.

I laughed. "We..?"

"Haha. I meant she. But she's the most beautiful thing that has happened to me ever since I was born. My love." He smiled to himself.

It hurt me to hear that, being his girlfriend. He doesn't know, and he won't believe.

I sighed. "Good for you, then."

At least we are starting to bond, right? That's what I thought until he read a message that was sent to him on his phone.

"Oh. Sayeon needs me. Gotta zoom." He rushed out of the place.

"That.. was not what I had in mind." Jin came, walking over to me.

I pursed my lips. "I should give up. He loves her more than anything. He won't change."

Jin patted my shoulder. "If he can change from Yeonmi to you, then he can come back to you again. Remember that you didn't break up but he just forgot about you. It's not over."

I nodded.


*oh no haven't been updating? Sorry lol I'm busy*

brighter. - j.jk , bts [sequel to lighter.] ONHOLDWhere stories live. Discover now