Slowly, I felt the fire spread over my body. It meant that I was alive at least. But it also meant that my suffering was just starting. I was not looking forward to the moments ahead. With a sudden flash, every muscle in my body tensed. My eyes flew open, to only be met by a pair of hazel ones. I could feel and sense who it was. It was Calvin, who was alive.

I couldn't help but feel... Proud. I had accomplished something that was deemed impossible. But oh god the pain... The pain blinded it all. I squeezed my eyes closed as another wave of pain rolled off of me in waves.

I could feel Calvin's arms around me, holding me from falling. But I couldn't focus on anything else. As far as I could tell, I was in an empty room with nothing at all but Calvin. He was strong and secure, clearly different then his brother, in almost every way imaginable.

I felt sick and weak and as if I couldn't grasp my powers at all. That scared me into sobriety. My eyes opened again an I lifted my head slightly. Calvin stood me to my feet and he said something. Other voices said things, but I couldn't understand anything. I lifted my shaking hands, to see the bright glowing designs on my arms. I tried to grasp my powers deep down and do something, anything but it didn't work. I couldn't do anything. When I tried, I was just punched with pain. I trembled and shook and I simply hung weak in Calvin's arms, hoping that I would be safe.

Suddenly I was lifted off of the ground, quickly. I whimpered at the sudden movement. All I could see was colours and flashes of light. I heard sounds of chaos, but I hoped it was only my imagination pulling another trick on me.

I could feel Calvin running and that was what I focused on. I just hoped that I did the right thing.


Zaine's POV:

I wasn't sure why Gabriel decided to wait so long, but I soon did after the light had dimmed. If we had ran right in, we could have lost Arianna in the death realm. Once she had revived the dead person, I couldn't help but feel amazed. I had never seen anything like it before. And I was feeling angry to, that Daniel didn't know what he had thrown away.

The man that had appeared with Arianna looked similar to one of the gang members, maybe it was a relative that they conned Arianna into reviving. It seemed probable.

I could just see the pain written over her face. I remember how the spell capping her powers was still over her. The man began to move beside her and his eyes opened. He didn't seem hurt at all, though his clothes were stained with red.

With every second passing, I felt more and more tense. My eyes roamed every person in the building that I could sense. I assessed their powers and their strength. I prepared myself for a battle, but more importantly to bring back Arianna safely.

She fell back and I was surprised to see the blonde man catch her. I didn't detect any malice in his eyes, but that could easily change. I learnt that from my own anger.

The two gang members conversed before Gabriel finally spoke up. "I don't want to interrupt this reunion, but I am here for the girl." His voice boomed. I stepped forward, out of the shadows and I was instantly greeted by the barrel of a gun. Every gang member raised a weapon as if that was their reaction to every uninvited visiter.

"I can't do that. She won't be going anywhere." The more rough man said. I noticed a long scar on his face. Atticus' growl ripped through the air and he lunged at the male. With quick speed, I grabbed him by his scruff and pulled him backwards. It was a dangerous move, when Atticus was blinded by rage. But as soon as I grabbed him, bullets rained down at the spot he once stood.

The scruffy looking man grinned, before laughing. "Tame your little pet, before his brains end up on the concrete." He snarled. Atticus was practically foaming at the mouth.

"What do you plan to do with her?" Gabriel inquired, standing tall behind me. The gang members exchanged glances before Charlie stepped forward, away from the shadows he lurked in. "We're keeping her away from creeps like you. Now if you don't want a bullet through your skulls, then I suggest that you run back to Bane, little Union scum." He pressed the barrel of the gun into my chest. We were at equal height and his intimidation failed miserably.

I roared with laughter. "You actually think we belong to Union? You're looking at the very men who attacked Union just a month ago. Now put down you're gun so we can talk about this misunderstanding." I explained, scratching the back of my neck. The man had a puzzled look on his face, but before he could lower his gun, an explosion was set off. The entire building rattled and dust clouded my vision. I hit the ground, with my hands over my head. My senses were invaded by smoke and soon enough, fire was plaguing the building.

When I looked up, I could see my brothers all on the ground as I was. But in the distance, rows upon rows of men with fire arms were charging the building.

"That's Union. They have an entire army out there and our only chances of surviving is by making an alliance." Gabriel coughed a few times, but his voice remained steady. I turned my head to see the wooden planks of the building fall, in a firey clump onto the ground below. We had only minutes before Union caught up and the entire building collapsing.

Charlie quickly grasped Gabriel's hand. "We fight together, to take those sons of bitches down."

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