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Ariana's POV:

    Why does this stuff always happen to me? Why can't their just be a guy who isn't a total douche! I wish I could just escape it all... that's it! "Stop the car" I tried to speak through my sobs. "What why?" he looked worried but that didn't matter. He wasn't my boyfriend. " Let me out, Now!" I raised my voice causing him to slowly come to a halt on the side of the highway. I quickly got out and ran over to the edge of the bridge still sobbing, but it was worse, I was coughing left and right and I could barely breathe. Before I could even try to talk my way out of it I lifted my right foot of the ground and then my right. As I was about to jump Jai grabbed my arm and I was angry, I just wanted to die with no one getting in my way. As I looked at his face he was bawling, he couldn't control his tears from falling. " PLEASE! PLEASE! Don't, I-I can't you go Ari. I still love you and I've changed. I want you back and I love you too much to let you go," I was touched but I still wasn't going to give up my chance. Just then I saw him climbing over to stand next to me. " If you're going to jump then i'm going to." With that he grabbed my hand and I knew that I couldn't let him do that so I gave up. "No, I can't let you do that. I wont jump." "Really? Great. Because I would never let you kill yourself. I'd die for you but I can't just let you die." He started to wipe the tears from under his eyes and we got back into his car. He turned to me and he smashed his lips onto mine and we shared a long passionate kiss. He pulled away a few minutes later and said, "Ari I really love you,"

                                                  "Will you be my girlfriend again?"

 -2 Months later-

 Jai and I got back together and we were as happy as could be. Justin called everyday, three times a day but I have never answered. Jai was sleeping on the other side of the bed looking like an angel like always, after a few minutes I got out of bed and went downstairs to make breakfast. Thirty minutes into my cooking time Justin called. I was getting pretty annoyed so I was going to find a way to make him stop. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and answered the phone.

Phone Call (J~ Justin, A~ Ariana):

J: Ari? Oh my gosh you don't know how happy I am that you answered.

A: Cool, Justin listen I nee-

J: Before you say anything else I want you to know how sorry I am for cheating on you and it was the worst mistake I've ever made. I love you Ari.

A: I love you too Justin, I never stopped.

J: Really?

A: Yes..

J: Can we meet up today I really need to see you.

A: Fine. Pick me up by my place at 7

J: Okay. See you later baby

A: Bye Justin.

*Phone call end*

 When I saw Justin I was going to have to be straight to the point and leave out the part when I almost jumped off a bridge to try and kill myself because of him. I admit it, I still do love Justin. He was my first love. I know that seeing him again will break off a piece of my heart that I had tried to put back together after what happened that night. I had to stick to the plan and not give into that sweet, charming and handsome guy that I fell in love with. Besides, now, I have a boyfriend.

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