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  Okay, some of you might know that there is another book on here that is exactly the same as mine. Well just know that even though this book was published later than her's that mine is original. I first published this book on the app/website Movellas. I first began writing it in early March, two months before this girl published my version on Wattpad. She has the exact same cover that I used to use along with the exact same chapter titles and mistakes that I have since changed. So just know that her's is stolen and this is actually mine. I've tried to get Wattpad to take it down but nothing has worked.But although I found out she stole it years ago, I am still pretty pissed.

ANYWAYS, thank you so much for almost 9K reads, I am honestly so surprised that my first real book ended up being a big hit. Even if it I personally think its bad, I'm glad that many of you seem to enjoy it. Love you, Ashley Melo.

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