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A small box wrapped in pastel pink wrapping paper with a light blue ribbon tied tightly around it sat on a small table by a open window. It's ribbon fluttered softly as the nighttime breeze flew through the home. The nighttime tones outside dulled the vibrance of the paper. It was unlike the house's owner to leave windows open, however, he had been too preoccupied by a certain boy to close it. It surprised the figure outside how easy it was going to be to acquire a certain little something from inside the home. Not a person, if you're wondering.

The figure's gloved hand slipped through the opening in the window and danced about the table. He couldn't risk the home owner waking up and seeing more of the figure than he needed to or there being security cameras within. His hand scraped the box and did a double take before latching on to it. He grabbed at it multiple times before finally picking it up and bringing it through the window. He wasn't going to let the deliverer get this gift to the recipient if he could help it. Stealing this box was a just a small piece in the bigger picture. This would be his bait. His bait for the man stealing cretin inside. If everything went to plan, the cretin would be too scared to ever pursue the homeowner or maybe even other men again and would leave the home owner all to the figure. Just the thought put a huge smirk on the figure’s face. He quickly turned, not wanting to spend more time than he had to lingering outside the home. He couldn't wait to look at the little cretin's face when everything flips upside down. When all his views change. He just couldn't wait.

Word Count: 303

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