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Jimin hadn't moved since the night before. His forehead was still pressed tightly against his mattress. His eyes were a light shade of red. He hadn't cried a lot, surprisingly, it was mostly him just rubbing them, trying to wake himself up from this horrible dream. His stomach however was killing him with fear. He felt like his chest was going to explode with the anxiousness that was swelling. His head was on the verge of stabbing him in the brain, the pain was that bad. He hadn’t slept the previous night which most likely explained his headache. Jimin lifted his head up and hissed as the bright morning sunlight hit his face. He peered out his window and half expected to see S’s face smirking at him through it. He shuddered at the thought of S looking at him again. His blood went cold at the thought of S looking at Yoongi. He could only imagine what S would do if he saw Yoongi. Jimin squeezed his eyes shut tightly. S didn’t find you. S is lying to you, just like last time. S just wants to scare you. S won’t hurt Yoongi. S just wants to scare you. No matter how many times Jimin said it, he never believed it. No amount of effort would change that.

Jimin nearly jumped out of his skin as his facetime app’s ringtone burst out of his phone. Jimin fumbled with the device, trying to hit the answer button. The app crackled and then his best friends’ voices came out.

“...probably busy- Oh, Jimin, hey! We were just talking about you.” Jungkook said, happily.

“Hey.” Jimin said, trying not to sound panicked.

Hoseok scrunched his nose up as he looked closely at his phone, “Jimin, that’s not your room.”

“What do you mean?”

“Your window. We put your room facing away from your neighbor’s house but I can see it from your window.”

Jimin blushed lightly, “I may have moved it.”

“Oh, I see.”

“Hoseok, don’t take it that way.”

“What way?”

“The way you’re taking it.”

“I’m not taking it any way, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Okay, so something obviously happened between you and Yoongi, what’s going on?” Jungkook asked, interrupting the two.

Jimin’s blush deepened.

“Jimin! He didn’t did he?” Taehyung asked, excitedly.

When Jimin didn’t respond, Hoseok shouted, “He did?!”

“What did he do?” Jungkook asked confusedly.

“I have no idea, what'd he do, Tae?” Hoseok said.

“He kissed you, didn't he?”

Hoseok squealed and Jungkook's jaw dropped.

Jimin's head lowered so you couldn't see his face.

“He did! Oh my God!” Hoseok burst.

“Jimin! That's amazing!” Taehyung said excitedly.

“Wow! Jimin!” Jungkook said, a bit surprised.

Their excited chatter was interrupted by Jimin's poorly hidden cries. His head was bobbing softly and his hand was shaking against his mouth as he tried to smother the sounds, which was not working.

“Jimin, hon, what's wrong?” Taehyung asked.

“Did we upset you? Were we too overwhelming?” Jungkook said concernedly, “We're sorry, we'll stop if it's bothering-”

“He called me.” Jimin squeaked.

“Who did?” Hoseok asked.

“S, he called me.”

“How'd he find your number? I went with you when you got it changed.” Jungkook said, his face showing the same amount of fear as Jimin's.

“I-I don't know. I answered the phone and it was him.”

“What'd he say?” Taehyung asked.

“He wanted to say hello and that he loved that I'd found someone else and that he hoped we would be very happy together. He said he wanted to see me and that we had to talk. He knew that Yoongi lives up the hill from me. He kept saying how he wanted to meet him.” Jimin gulped back a sob. “H-He's going t-to hurt Y-Yoongi, isn't he?”

“N-No, no. He won't. He's full of empty threats.” Hoseok said, almost as if he was trying to reassure himself too.

Jimin sniffled and put a defiant look on his face, “I'm going to stay away from Yoongi for a while.”


“I'm going to stay away from Yoongi until it's safe.”

“Why would you do that?” Hoseok asked.

“It's my only option. S doesn't want me around him so I have to comply until I think it's safe.”

“Jimin, please tell the poor boy.”

“I will.” Jimin said with crossed fingers behind his back, he couldn't burden Yoongi with S.

“N-no!” Hoseok nearly shouted.

“What?” Jimin responded.

“S may be a no good, two timing liar but as far as I know he's never actually caused any harm.” Hoseok obviously didn't know the S Jungkook and Jimin knew. “You should be with him. He's safer with you, Jimin. S won't dare hurt him with you around.” S would do anything with anyone around if they broke his rules. “Love will prevail, Jimin. I swear.”

“I-I can't, Hobi. You don't know S. I have to stay away from Yoongi. It's for his sake. I'd never forgive myself if something happened to him.” Jimin insisted.


“Hoseok, please lay off. This is his decision. If he thinks it's best for both him and Yoongi, we have to be supportive.” Taehyung said, supportingly.

“Jimin, you do what you have to do, alright?” Jungkook said.

Jimin nodded.

“Ah, we have to go. I wish we could stay longer but we have to meet with someone. We'll talk to you soon, alright?” Taehyung said, quickly.

“Yeah, you two have a good time.” Jimin responded.

“Thanks. Good luck, Jimin.” Jungkook waved.

The Taekook part of the call closed and it was just Jimin and Hoseok.

“I've got to go too. Work starts soon.”

“Alright, I'll talk to you soon as well.”



“Love will prevail, yeah?”


Word Count: 965

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