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Yoongi stared out his bedroom's bay window and out at the red Buick Verano that was pulling up the boy next door's driveway. The boy had been out on his porch for the past while, at least that's what Yoongi thought, and he could only assume that it was to see that very car come racing up, dust from the gravel forming huge clouds as it went, to his house.

Yoongi observed the boy, he knew the sight wouldn't be in his memory long so he took the time to scope the boy's face while he had the chance. Yoongi's eyes lit up as he thought of the pink note that was currently sitting on his desk, just a few feet away. The note was still folded up, Yoongi had somehow managed not to spill something on or bend the bright pink paper as he usually did. He held the paper up to the window right next to where the boy stood, looking excitedly at the Verano as it parked. Jimin. His neighbor's name was Jimin. Yoongi re-read the note he had written.

‘I do know his name now (even if it is only for a minute or two). It's a cute name. I don't remember seeing his face, so I'm not sure if it suits him. I bet it does.’

Yoongi agreed with his note self, the cute name really did suit Jimin's cute face. Yoongi mentally cooed as Jimin jumped excitedly upon seeing a red haired male climb out the passenger seat. The two hugged tightly and Yoongi cooed yet again, his coo however had a slight tinge of jealousy which went unnoticed to him. A second guy got out of the car and joined Jimin and red hair guy. Red hair guy put an arm around the new guy and Yoongi was instantly relieved, even though he wasn't sure why.

He smiled at how happy - what's his name again? - looked with two of his friends with him. Yoongi wanted the boy next door to look that happy if it were Yoongi standing there instead of his friends, but he wasn't sure if it would happen. Making friends was something he had never really been able to do and he always hoped someone would approach him instead of him having to make the first move.

The boy seemed just content having a no contact neighbor relationship. Not only that, his memory would present an even bigger issue.

Yoongi had a memory disorder, one he's not willing to discuss unless he wants to or feels comfortable with said listener. He could just imagine how weirded out his neighbor would be if he showed up at his door mumbling slurred words as he tried to remember why exactly he was standing on someone else's porch looking at someone he didn't remember. Yoongi had to push the idea of the boy and him ever meeting to the back of his head.

He slid off the bay window's cushioned seat and on to the cold hardwood floor. He made his way into the hall, which had little to no lighting and towards the stairs. Yoongi liked to keep things. No, he would not keep the lid to the strawberry banana yogurt he ate that morning. He kept lots of things, but trash was not one of them.

Yoongi's socked feet rushed down the steps making soft little sounds as they touched each stair. He quickly scanned the shelves that lined the lower level of his house for a specific item he had received just a few days prior. He slid his hand across each item as he passed by them. His first soccer trophy, the latest pack of seeds he had gotten and planted, a picture of him and a childhood friend on the seesaw in their local park.. Doing this every morning helped him remember the small things that he had tried to put in the back of his memory to make room for the new, which didn't work in the end.

Yoongi finally found what he was looking for on one of the shelves in his living room and smiled once he reached it. The red dish with white snowflakes littering it sat in one of the corner spots on the shelf right by the window where a stream of golden sunlight was streaming in. The black sharpie ink Yoongi had used to write ‘Thank you for telling me about the vines.’ was glittering as the occasional ray of sunshine hit it.

Yoongi set the folded note inside the dish and gave it a pat before backing away to look at the pasta dish. He smiled, it would be nice to remember getting a happy gift like this one with happy intentions. Yoongi had many a gift on his shelves, but nearly all of them were for bad reasons, reasons Yoongi would like to not explain.

The silence in the house was cut off by one of Yoongi's various alarms going off, signaling that the time was now four o'clock, a time he had dedicated to his porch. He fluffed his hair a little before going outside and automatically resting his arms on the porch railing. Yoongi sighed and breathed in the fresh summer air. It was days like these that he just wanted to rush off his porch and into the fields to examine the plant life that surrounded him.

Plants were one of the few things that Yoongi had ever pursued willingly in life. Although his memory failed him now, he sure could remember every plant he ever read about. It was one of his favorite things to do, identifying plants.

Yoongi felt his neck hairs prick up and a pair of eyes watching him from far off. He had gotten used to this feeling this past week. Ever since that guy moved in, he's had to get used to that sensation happening a lot whenever he went outside. It should creep him out that the guy that literally just moved in has been watching him so much, but in all honesty, it made Yoongi feel good. Nobody had lived in the house next door in years and his father hadn't taken the time to come see him in months and he had begun to get quite lonely. Having a pair of eyes on him made him feel like there was at least hope that he wouldn't be alone anymore.

Yoongi moved his eyes to look at the house without being obvious he was looking before whispering to himself, “If you're so interested in me, why don't you just come say hi?” Yoongi immediately mentally took it back, it was, after all, hypocritical since he was in no way planning to go talk to the boy anytime soon, though he hoped he'd get the opportunity to. He felt the stares go away and disappointment pitted in the bottom of his stomach. He was beginning to think he liked being watched too much.

The couple that had entered the house earlier came out and headed out and towards their car. The red haired one yelled, “You better talk to him, and soon!” before closing the door and rushing to the car where the other guy was waiting, the car already started. Yoongi's curiosity ran amuck as he thought about what the red haired boy shouted to his neighbor. Was he planning on talking to him? It made Yoongi's stomach leap in excitement. He had to write this all down before he forgot. He raced inside, minutes before his 4:30 alarm went off.

Word Count: 1268

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