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Yoongi had listened to the notes he had previously left on his door. He had remained inside despite wanting to see his plants which were staring at him sadly from his greenhouse of sorts. Yoongi huffed, he knew it was for the best. His immune system was weak for some unknown reason and he tended to get sick rather easily. As far as Yoongi knew, there was no medicine in the house unless he’d somehow overlooked it. He’d assumed his father didn’t trust him with medication in his hands. He wouldn’t trust himself either, to be frank.

Yoongi moved his hands around his mug of hot cocoa as his thoughts returned to the grey clouds rumbling outside. They’d gotten thicker as the day passed turning from the usual light grey to a dark and ominous color. The thunder hadn’t started up until an hour or two ago if he could remember correctly. That was also about the time he had wound up in the arm chair in his living room.

Yoongi looked down at his lap. He didn’t know why he’d bothered getting dressed, after all, it wasn’t like he would be going outside at any point. Jeans were always uncomfortable to Yoongi and he only wore them if he knew he was going out. Maybe he wore them just in case Ji-

Yoongi’s thoughts were interrupted by a loud slam on his roof as heavy rain began coming down. Yoongi regretted ever agreeing to let his father put that tin roof over his head. It amplified the sound of rain by ten billion and he disliked the noise. Yoongi shook his head as he brought his hot cocoa to his lips.

Boy, was it coming down out there. He felt bad for any poor thing that remained out there. He could barely see beyond his window. It was all a white, streaky blur that was pounding away at the soil and his roof. Yoongi took a sip from his mug. He was glad he was inside, warm and dry. Warm and dry. Warm and dry.

Yoongi’s eyes widened and he bolted out of his seat, slamming his mug down on his coffee table. Yoongi slid ungracefully into his kitchen and stared at the ring of dirt on the tiles near the corner of the room. That ring of dirt was meant to have his Vinca minor in the center. Yoongi looked at his backdoor. He had to save it.

Forget Me Not ° Yoonmin✅Where stories live. Discover now