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He leaned against the wall of the tight alleyway, steam piping up through the vents in the ground behind him. He waited patiently for the pink haired boy he knew was inside the corner shop he'd been watching. He knew his target well, he'd had to watch him for so long. The boy came out in a red zip up hoody, one hand in his pocket and the other clutching a blue plastic corner store bag. He pushed himself away from his perch on the wall and walked out just as the boy passed.

“Hey, hey, wait.” He said to the boy, grabbing at his shoulder.

The boy turned.

“Taehyung, right?”

“How do you know my name?” The boy asked.

“Jungkook. He talks about you a lot. Wanted to finally meet you and put a face to that name.” He said, “Oh, my friends call me S by the way.”

“Ah, nice to meet you. How do you know Jungkook?” Taehyung asked, shifting the bag in his hand.

“We’re in the same gang.”

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows, “Gang? Like a friend group?”

He shook his head, “Nope. Ever heard of Bangtan?”

Upon seeing Taehyung's surprised and confused face, he put on a fake look of surprised realization and gave out a quick, “O-Oh, he hasn't told you, has he?”

Taehyung shook his head, his hand clenching down angrily on the corner store bag.

“I'm so sorry, that wasn't for me to tell. I should go.” He said, slipping past Taehyung as quickly as he could, a grin slipping on to his face as he passed.

His grin only got bigger as he heard the other male's soft footsteps turn into stomps. He was successful in his goal.

Word Count: 291

Forget Me Not ° Yoonmin✅Where stories live. Discover now