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Yoongi sat in his usual seat, the bay window, in his bedroom. He never really understood why he always found himself there at some point in the day but he was sure it had to do with the view. He could see the trees that lined the road his and Jimin's driveway attached to, which he was fairly sure were Cercidiphyllum japonicum or Katsura trees. He could see Jimin's front porch and the Salix alba that loomed up above the bungalows roof from the field beside it.

The Salix alba had always been something Yoongi had loved. He used to visit it everyday before Jimin moved in. It was a comfort thing. He used to have one just like it in his backyard at home. He could remember climbing up it's branches with some of the neighborhood kids, reading books under it as the breeze pushed the papery branches around; he even realized he was gay under that tree. The thought of that old tree made Yoongi smile. He'd have to ask Jimin if he'd like to see it sometime, if he remembered.

The view was gorgeous, especially when the sun sets. However, when the sun wasn't setting, Yoongi was quite content with the view of the cute mochi next door. Today, Jimin was outside on his porch, walking back and forth, talking with himself in an almost self building way. It made Yoongi wonder what the boy was going to do. Whatever it was sure made Jimin anxious. Jimin said a final few words before making his way to the trunk of his car and reaching inside, grabbing something Yoongi couldn't see.

When Jimin's arms returned to view, they were holding a something that was covered in a blue and white striped blanket. The item wasn't too lengthy but what it lacked in width it made up for in height. Jimin didn't appear to be struggling to carry it which made it look like he worked out in some way, which Yoongi was, of course, responsible for thinking. Yoongi's eyes widened as Jimin started walking towards Yoongi's house. He dashed away from his seat and down the stairs.

Jimin climbed up the hill that separated his and Yoongi's houses. The thing in his arms just kept getting heavier and heavier as he went. He hoped Yoongi would like it. It took him over half an hour to finally decide it was the one. He was hoping his gift giving skills hadn't rusted any.

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