“Head injury?” Yoongi looked confused.

“Yeah, from football.” Tzuyu answered.


“I'm just so relieved you're okay. You lost your helmet and they pummeled you and- Oh God, Yoongi, I've been out of my mind with worry.” Irene rambled.

“Slow down, Irene, you're scaring him.” Minhyuk commented, earning a scowl from Irene.

“Let a worried mother speak to her son, Hyuk.” Tzuyu said, her arms crossed while leaning against the room's wall.

Yoongi confusedly looked around the room as the conversation kept going.

“Speaking of the worried mother,” Minhyuk began, “I'm surprised you haven't noticed Sungwoon's quietness, Irene.”

“Sungwoon's always quiet around Yoongi when we're all together, I'm used to it.” Irene wriggled her eyebrows making Sungwoon blush a little, despite not looking up.

“Ooooooo, Sungwoon got a boyfriend!” Tzuyu sing-songed.

“Sungwoon has a boyfriend, Tzuyu.”

“Shut up, Mom.”

“That's no way to speak to your mother, Tzu.” Minhyuk grinned.

“You can shut up too, Hyuk.”

“Tzuyu? When did you get here?” Yoongi asked.

Tzuyu looked concernedly at Yoongi, “I've been here, Yoongi. You greeted me when I got here.”

“Sorry, I must have forgotten.”

Irene sniffled again and Sungwoon gripped down on his bags handles.

“What's going on? Why am I here?” Yoongi asked quizzically.

“I've already answered that for him too.” Tzuyu told the others.

The others looked at each other with knowing eyes and then back at Yoongi.

Minhyuk was the first to speak, “I can't do this. If we're going to have to keep answering his questions about things for the rest of his life, I'm out.”

“The doctor said it would be permanent.” Sungwoon said quietly.

“Yeah, I'm really sorry, but I can't.” Minhyuk passed the curtain.

Tzuyu scanned the boy over, “His looks topped his floral infected personality before, but this,” Tzuyu started towards the curtain, “not even his looks can overpower.”

Irene watched her go, “Yoongi, you can remember, right? This isn't permanent, this is just some joke, right?”

“Where'd Minhyuk go?” Yoongi asked.

Irene bit her lip. “He's not going to remember that we care for him or what we do for him. I-I don't want to waste my time on someone who won't remember what he is to us.”


“I'm sorry, Yoongi. Bye.” Irene grabbed her coat and walked quickly away.

“Irene?” Yoongi called again. “S-Sungie, you'll stay with me, right?”

Sungwoon hadn't raised his head since he'd arrived, “Yoongi, I don't know.”

“I love you.”

Sungwoon didn't answer.

“Sungie, please say you love me too. I love you so much.”

Sungwoon looked Yoongi in the eyes, his own full of tears. “It's for the best, Gi.”

“N-No. Please. You're all I have left. Please don't go.”

“Bye, Gi. I'm sorry.” Sungwoon turned to the curtain.

“No! Sungie, please! I love you! I love you so so so much.”

Sungwoon turned his head a little, “Maybe we'll meet again someday, Gi, but not as boyfriends.” Sungwoon passed the curtain.

“Sungie! Don't leave me! I love you! Don't go! Don't go. Please.” Yoongi dove off the bed and towards the curtain.

He wrenched it open and was met with darkness. He turned around but his hospital room was gone. He was surrounded by darkness.

Yoongi took a step forward, “Sungie?” Another. “Irene, Tzuyu?” Another and another, “Minhyuk?” His steps quickened, “Sungie?”

Whispers filled the emptiness. All of his doubts and questions were ringing through the empty air and their volume kept rising. Yoongi broke out into a run as the voices got louder and louder. They got so loud that his head hurt and his hands covered his ears. Yoongi collapsed onto the ground, his hands still covering his ears. He screamed for it to stop but couldn't hear himself over the voices. Then it all went black.

Yoongi shot up in bed, cold sweat pouring down him by the gallon. It was all a dream, he reassured himself. It was all only a dream. Only a dream. A dream.

Word Count: 926

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